Dr. Satish Grover

NAME : Dr. Satish Grover 
DESIGNATION :  Assistant Professor
Email id : groverjagdish3@gmail.com
Contact No. 94630-79435 


Participated in Seminars/Conferences

  1. Presented a paper on Indian Diaspora and Inequality in Britain –with reference to Bye-Bye Blackbird.
  2. Seminar on contemporary issues in Social Sciences by Hans Raj Mahila  Maha Vidyalaya- Feb 2-3,2018.
  3. Paper on Diaspora in the Novels of Bernard Molamud. International Conference on New Directions in 21st century Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching: Moving towards Ka:rmik linguistic Theory and Practice by  Shorda University, Greater Noida and Ka:rmik Linguistic and literary Assiciation-29th-30th March,2019.
  4. International Conference :-Paper on Language and Cultural Diversity in A House For Mr. Biswas.
  5. International Conference :-on Rewriting Methodology: Media and Teaching of English in Modern Culture and Society .April 19-20,2019.
  6. Paper on Universality Brotherhood International Seminar on Universality and Swami Vivekananda Year 2017  ISBN No. 978-93-5113-937-9.
  7. Presented a paper on ‘Human Rights Violation against Women: Causes and Remedies at International Conference on Human Rights in India: A Multifaceted Aspect organized by DAV College, Abohar on 27th-28th Feb, 2016.
  8. Presented a paper on ‘Role of Woman in Literature: Historical Perspectives’ at National Seminar organised by MMD DAV College, Gidderbaha on Social Concerns of Contemporary Literature on 5th May, 2016.
  9. Participated in National seminar on Role of Media in Exposing scams in India at D.A.V college, Bathinda on March 15,2014.
  10. Presented a paper on “Excellence in Teacher Education need of 21st century” organized by Aklia College of Education for Women on 5-6th Feb,2014.
  11. Presented a paper entitled Raja Rao’sKanthapura as Radical Novel in UGC sponsored National seminar on The Radical Fiction in India English writing organized by D.A.V College, Bti. on Nov 22,2013.
  12. Participated in two day National Conference Organized by Baba Farid College, Deon, Bti on Major Issues in Post colonial English Literature on March 1-2,2012.
  13. Participated in national seminar on New Paradigms in Fiction/Non-Fiction: Exploring Alterity and Tradition organized by the deptt. Of English, Punjabi University Patiala.
  14. Presented a paper entitled role and contribution of women in the freedom struggle organized by D.A.V college Bathinda on Feb 23-24, 2011.
  15. Presented a paper on “Teaching English Language through Literature” in UGC sponsored National seminar on Art, culture of Theory-Mapping The Transition from Modernism to Postmodernism organized by Govt. B College, Faridkot on 3-4 Feb,2011.
  16. Presented a paper entitled “Crime Against Women” reasons and remedies in UGC sponsored National seminar organized by Gopichand Arya Mahila College, Abohar on 22nd Nov,2010.
  17. Participated in National seminar on “pop Culture and Literary studies” organized by Deptt. Of English, D.A.V college, Bathinda on 17-18 Nov,2010.
  18. Participated in NAAC conference at Nehru Memorial Govt. college, Mansa on 23-24 March,2009.
  19. Participated in UGC sponsored National seminar on “Emerging Themes And Techniques in English Fiction at Drama” organized by Hans Raj MahilaVidyolaya, Jalandhar on 21st Sep,2007.
  20. Participated in the UGC sponsored National seminar on “Indian Responses To Literatures in English” organized by dept. of English of Dayanand College, Hisar on Nov. 20,2004.

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

    1. Paper published in International Journal Language in India. ISSN No 1930-2940vol.19:6 June 2019 on “Displacement and Rootlessness in A House For Mr. Biswas by V. S. Naipaul.”
    2. Paper published in International Journal Language in India ISSN No.1930-2940, May, 2019 on “Failure of the American Dream in the Novels of Bernard Malamud”
    3. Paper on Role of Women in Literature: Historical Perspective Pg. No. 09-13 in Seminar proceedings: – Women and Society in Contemporary Literature year2016, ISBN No. 978-93-80397-69-6.
    4. Paper on ‘Human Rights in India- A Multifaceted Aspect’. Pg. No. 152-157 ISBN No. 9793-5113-746-7.
    5. Paper on Raja Rao’s Kanthapura as a Radical novel Pg. no. 185-189 in Research Icon ISBN No. 2395-6585.
    6. Paper on ‘Excellence in Teacher Education in 21st century’. Published in proceedings of National seminar.
    7. Teaching English Language through literature. Proceedings of UGC sponsored National seminar on “Art Culture and Theory: Mapping the transition from Modernism to Post Modernism”. 166-171 ISBN 978-81-8465-757-9, First Edition.


  1. The Suffering and Struggle of Jews for Identity- 73 pages, LAMBERT Academic Publishing International Publishers ISBN No. 978-3-659-84860-5.
  2. Second Author Writing The Nation: Postcolonial Memory And National Identity In Contemporary Indian Writing In English. ISBN: 978-93-6631-283-5

Participation in Seminars/Conferences:

  1. Participated in National seminar on Role of Media in Exposing scams in India at D.A.V college, Bathinda on March 15,2014.
  2. Participated in two-days National Conference Organized by Baba Farid College, Deon, Bathinda on Major Issues in Post-colonial English Literature on March 1-2,2012.
  3. Participated in national seminar on New Paradigms in Fiction/Non-Fiction: Exploring Alterity and Tradition organized by the Dept. of English, Punjabi University Patiala. 13. Presented a paper on“Teaching English Language through Literature” in UGC sponsored National seminar on Art, culture of Theory-Mapping The Transition from Modernism to Postmodernism organized by Govt. Barjindra College, Faridkot on 3-4 Feb,2011.
  4. Participated in National seminar on “pop Culture and Literary studies” organized by Dept. of English, D.A.V college, Bathinda on 17-18 Nov,2010.
  5. Participated in NAAC conference at Nehru Memorial Govt. college, Mansa on 23-24 March,2009. 6. Participated in UGC sponsored National seminar on “Emerging Themes and Techniques in English Fiction at Drama” organized by Hans Raj Mahila Vidyala, Jalandhar on 21st Sep,2007.
  6. Participated in the UGC sponsored National seminar on “Indian Responses to Literatures in English” organized by dept. of English of Dayanand College, Hisar on Nov. 20,2004.
  7. Participated in National seminar on Role of Media in Exposing scams in India at D.A.V college, Bathinda on March 15, 2014.

Refresher Orientation

  1. Attended UGC Sponsored Short Term Course/Workshop at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar from 6-1-2016 to 12-1-2016.
  2. Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher Course at Punjab University, Chandigarh from 6-3-2010 to 26-3-2010.
  3. Attended Refresher Course at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar from 15-5-2007 to 4-6-2007.
  4. Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher Course on March 29, 2005.
  5. Attended General Orientation Course at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar from 8-10-2003 to 4-11-2003.

Research Papers in Journals:

  1. Paper published in International Journal Language in India. ISSN No 1930-2940vol.19:6 June 2019  “Displacement and  Rootlessness in A House For Mr.Biswas by V.S.Naipaul.”
  2. Paper published in International Journal Language in India ISSN No.1930-2940,May ,2019 “Failure of the American Dreamin Novels of Bernard Molamud”.
  3. Exploring the role of Artificial Intelligence in Language Documentation and Endangered Language Preservation (Author Position 5th) Published in Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology Vol. 45 No. 2(2024) ISSN: 1001-4055.
  4. Interconnected Pathways To Quality Assurance in Higher Education : The Roles of Outcome-Based Education, Accreditation And Institutional Rankings. Published in Educational Administration: Theory and Practice 2024,30(5),7966-7977. ISSN :2148-2403. https://quey.net/

Extra Curricular Activities:

  1. Have acted as Judge in Inter College competitions for Literary Activities at Bhai Asa Singh Girls College, Goniana Mandi, Dist. Bathinda.
  2. Performed as a member of judgement committee for Literary Activities at Zonal Youth Festival held at Muktsar, Punjab Univ. Chandigarh.
  3.  Performed as Judge in Inter College Competition for Debate and Declamation Contest at S.D. College, Mansa.
  4.  Have provided a helping hand in college administration as Dean Examination, Convener Time -Table committee, Chief Editor of college magazine, Dean Students Welfare Association, Convener Admission Committee, Staff Secretary and Convener Girls Common Room Committee.
  5.  Had felt privileged by getting an opportunity of valuating M Phil dissertation of Periyar University, Salem.