Mrs. Anuja Puri

NAME : Mrs. Anuja Puri 
DESIGNATION :  Associate Professor
EXPERIENCE : 26 years
Email id :
Contact No : 98557-24770


Papers published in Refereed Journals

  1. Anuja Puri, “Lifi: New age Wireless?” in NAMITR’S Academic Journal of Excellence, ISSN:2349-591X,PP.70-75, Vol 2 Sep-Oct 2015 issue.

List of Conferences in which Papers Published/Presented 

  1. Anuja Puri,”Digital India: Vision & Reality”  in the proceedings of the National Conference on  “Innovative Practices for Sustainable Development in India” held at GN College, Killianwali on Feb 24, 2018(pp 151-162).
  2. Anuja Puri,”An Introduction to Cloud Computing”,National Conference on Pervasive Computing, Bathinda, ISBN:93-5181-154-9 ,PP.106-108, 6th May 2016,
  3. Anuja Puri,”Software Re-Engineering:steps towards Rejuvention”,Recent advancement in Science, Commerce & Technology 2016(NCRSCT’16),ISBN:978-93-85448-40-9 , PP.468-471, 5th-6th April, 2016
  4. Anuja Puri, “E-Waste Management in India”, National Conference, Faridkot on 19th Jan, 2016.
  5. Anuja Puri, “Interlingual Machine Translation from English to Punjabi” at National Conference on “Future Patterns in Information Technology” organized by DAV College, Abohar on 4th Dec, 2015.
  6. Anuja Puri,”Cloud Computing: Impacts and Challenges” at National Conference on “Future Patterns in Information Technology” organized by DAV College, Abohar on 4th Dec, 2015.
  7. Anuja Puri, “Cyber Terrorism – Challenges and Concerns” at National Conference on “Cyber pollution- Problem and Remedy” held at Khalsa College, Patiala on 4th April, 2014.
  8. Anuja Puri, “Shrinking Shrinkage using Technology” at ICSSR NWRC sponsored conference on “Retailing in India : Opportunities and Challenges” held at Baba Farid College of Management & Technology, Deon on 15th-16th March, 2012.
  9. Anuja Puri, “Security Issues to Wireless Networks” at National Conference on Information Technology Society and literary Restructuring (NCITSLR-2012) held at Panjab University Regional Centre, Shri Muktsar Sahib on 12th-13th March, 2012.

Books Published

  1. Acted as one of the Authors of Books Titled “Fundamentals of E-Commerce and E-Banking” by Gracious Books Patiala during July 2015, bearing ISBN No 978-93-85670-15-2.
  2. “Fundamentals of information Technology and MS-Office”, ISBN: 978-93-272-4487-8, Kalyani Publishers (2014).
  3. “Computer Applications in Business”, ISBN: 978-81-977146-8-9, Sharma Publications (2024).

Refresher Courses/ Workshops/ Training programmes Attended: 

  1. Participated in Orientation Programme from 01.03.2005 to 28.03.2005 at Academic Staff College, Punjab University, Chandigarh.
  2. Participated in Refresher course in the subject “Automated Software Development” from December 04 to 23, 2006 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala.
  3. Participated in Special Summer Schools -2008 (equivalent to Refresher Course in Computer Science) from 14.06.2008 to 04.07.2008, held at Academic Staff College, Punjab University, Chandigarh.
  4. Participated in Refresher course in Research Methodology in Sciences (Computer Science) from 02.03.2010 to 22.03.2010 held at Academic Staff College, Punjab University, Chandigarh.
  5. Participated in one week Training Programme sponsored by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (Govt. of India) from 07.03.2013 to 13.03.2013 held at Punjabi University, Patiala.
  6. Participated in one day District level orientation workshop sponsored by Punjab State AIDS control Society on 30.10.2013 at SSD Girls College, Bathinda.
  7. Participated in one week FDP on Recent Trends in Digitization and Research Methodology organized by DAV College Bathinda from 02.01.2017 to 08.01.2017.
  8. Attended one day district level workshop of Red Ribbon Club organized by Assistant office director, Youth services, Bathinda at RPC Degree College, Behman Diwana on 06.03.2019.
  9. Participated in a one day district level workshop of Red Ribbon Club organized by Assistant office Director, Youth Services, Bathinda at Akal University, Talwandi Sabo on Sep. 16,2019.

 Offices Held:

  1. NSS Program Officer from January 2019 to December 2019.
  2. Co-Ordinator Red Ribbon Club from January 2019 to December 2019.
  3. Acted as NSS Program Officer from January 2013 to January 2016.
  4. Acted as Nodal officer of Red Ribbon Club from October 2013 to January 2016.


  1. Member of the Board of Undergraduate studies in Computer Science, Punjabi University Patiala, 1-3-2018 to 31-12-2019