Hawan Yajna Solemnised at DAV College Bathinda.
DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on January 28, 2025 to seek the blessings of the Almighty during the commencement of the even Semester of the classes. The Hawan-Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee.
The offerings in the Hawan Yajna were made by Dr. K.K. Nohria, Senior Member, Local Advisory Committee, Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Faculty Incharge Prof Kuldeep Singh and members of the teaching and non teaching staff who are celebrating their birthday in the month of January: Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Prof. Karampal Kaur, Dr. Pawan Kumar, Dr. Amar Santosh, Prof. Monika Bhatia, Prof. Harpeeet Kaur Brar, Prof. Bagicha Singh, Prof. Lovepreet Kaur, Prof. Gurwinder Kaur, Sh. Sukhram, Sh. Deepak Gupta, Smt. Sangeeta Rani, Sh. Rakesh, Sh. Ramroop and Sh. Arun Kumar Pal. They all made offerings in the yajna and prayed for the progress of the institution, welfare of the people and peace in the entire world.
On the commencement of this new semester, Dr. K.K. Nohria congratulated everyone and wished for the success of the students, staff members and the institution. Mentioning about the value of making offerings in the Hawan Yajna, he mentioned Hawan Yajna to be important for the sound mind and body of the human beings. Also, it is beneficial for the environmental causes as it helps in purification of the environment.
The Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma conveyed warm wishes on the occasion and wished for the well being of his staff and students. He exhorted everybody present on the occasion to seek the blessings of the God to work towards the growth of the institution. He appreciated the Arya Samaj Committee Convener Dr. Monika Ghulla, members Dr. Neha Jindal and Prof. Neha Garg for their efforts in organizing the Hawan Yajna. All the members from teaching and non teaching staff graced the occasion.

Hawan Yajna Solemnised at the Commencement of the Session at DAV College Bathinda.
To seek the blessings of the Almighty, DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on July 22, 2024 to mark the commencement of the session. The Hawan-Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee.
The offerings in the hawan yajna were made by Dr. K.K. Nohria, Chairman, Local Managing Committee, Smt. Vimal Garg Member, Local Managing Committee and Prof. Neha Sharma, Dept. of English. Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Staff Secretary Prof. Kuldeep Singh, members Arya Samaj Committee and all the teaching and non teaching staff members also made offerings in the yajna and prayed for the progress of the institution, welfare of the people and peace in the entire world.
The Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma conveyed warm wishes on the occasion and wished for the well being of his staff and students. He exhorted everybody present on the occasion to seek the blessings of the Almighty to work towards the growth of the institution. He appreciated the Arya Samaj Committee Convener Dr. Monika Ghulla, Arya Samaj Committee members Prof. Neha Jindal, Prof. Neha Garg and Prof. Munish for their efforts in organizing the hawan yajna.

Hawan Yajna Solemnised at the 200th Birth Anniversary of Swami Dayanand Saraswati at DAV College Bathinda.
DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on March 5, 2024 to mark the 200th birth Anniversary of Swami Dayanand Saraswati. The Hawan Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. A floral tribute was paid to Swami Dayanand Saraswati. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee.The offerings in the hawan yajna were made by Dr. K.K. Nohria, Senior Member, Local Advisory Committee, Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Staff Secretary Prof. Kuldeep Singh, Prof. Sandeep Bhatia, Head Department of History, ANO Lieutenant Munish Kumar, Dr. Monika Ghulla, Convener Arya Samaj Committee and members of the teaching and non teaching staff.Principal of the college Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma conveyed warm wishes on the occasion and wished for the well being of his staff and students. He commemorated the contribution of Swami Dayanand Saraswati in the Women Education which fortunately marked the beginning of DAVs as Educational Institutions and an ultimate step towards Women Empowerment. He appreciated Dr. Monkia Ghulla and Prof. Munish Kumar for their efforts in organizing the hawan yajna.

Havan Yajya at DAV College Bathinda. (1-2-2024)
The new semester at DAV College Bathinda started with Havan Yag. Vedic tradition was followed by placing Ahutis in the havan kund while chanting various mantras. The chief guest Dr. KK Nohria Senior Member Local Committee graced the occasion. All the staff members wished for the welfare of the college by putting ahutis in the Havan. The College Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma urged the students and teachers to work hard in this new academic session so that this institution can touch more heights. The Arya Samaj Committee of the college organized this program ritualistically. Teaching and non-teaching staff were present on this occasion.

Hawan Yajna Solemnised at DAV College Bathinda (28-06-2023)
DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on June 28, 2023 to seek the blessings of the Almighty. The Hawan-Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee.
The offerings in the hawan yajna were made by Dr. K.K. Nohria, Senior Member, Local Managing Committee, Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Arya Samaj committee members and members of the staff. They made offerings in the yajna and prayed for the progress of the institution, welfare of the people and peace in the entire world.
Principal Dr. Rajeev Sharma conveyed warm wishes on the occasion and wished for the well being of his staff and students. He exhorted everybody present on the occasion to seek the blessings of the God to work towards the growth of the institution. He appreciated the Arya Samaj Committee Convener Dr. Monika Ghulla, members Dr. Neha Jindal and Prof. Neha Garg for their efforts in organizing the hawan yajna.

Hawan Yajna Solemnised at the Beginning of the Hindu New Year at DAV College Bathinda
DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on March 22, 2023 to mark the beginning of the Hindu New Year, to pay a tribute to Swami Dayanand Saraswati and to seek the blessings of the Almighty. The Hawan-Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. A floral tribute was paid to Swami Dayanand Saraswati. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee.
The offerings in the hawan yajna were made by Dr. K.K.Nohria, Senior Member , Local Managing Committee , Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Arya Samaj committee members and members of the staff. They made offerings in the yajna and prayed for the progress of the institution, welfare of the people and peace in the entire world.
Dr. K.K. Nohria conveyed warm wishes on the occasion of Hindu New Year. He dwelt upon the significance of the hallowed smoke which arises from the yajna and how it is good for our environment and well being. He further stated that people should understand the importance of hawan and seek blessings of God for peace and progress.
Principal Dr. Rajeev Sharma conveyed warm wishes on the occasion and wished for the well being of his staff and students. He exhorted everybody present on the occasion to seek the blessings of the God to work towards the growth of the institution. He appreciated the Arya Samaj Committee Convener Dr. Monika Ghulla, members Dr. Neha Jindal, Prof. Neha Garg and Prof. Munish for their efforts in organizing the hawan yajna.

Hawan Yajna Solemnised At the Commencement of the Academic Session at DAV College Bathinda (23-08-2022)
To seek the blessings of the Almighty, DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on August 23, 2022 to mark the commencement of the academic session. The Hawan-Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee and was attended by the faculty members and the students of the college.
The offerings in the hawan yajna were made by the Principal, HoDs, faculty members and students. Everyone present on the occasion prayed for the progress of the institution, welfare of the people and peace in the entire world.
The Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma conveyed warm wishes on the occasion and wished for the well being of his staff and students. He at the outset paid a tribute to the efforts of Mahatma Hansraj and his followers in working towards the spread of education and emphasizing on girl education. He further stated that DAV Bathinda is following into the footsteps of these torchbearers to provide a safe environment to girls and empower them with education. He motivated the students to work hard and fulfil their dreams. He also appreciated the Arya Samaj Committee members, namely, Dr. Monika Ghulla, Dr. Satish Grover, Prof. Neha Garg and Prof. Munish for their efforts in organizing the hawan yajna.

Hawan Yajna Solemnised At the Commencement of the Session at DAV College Bathinda
To seek the blessings of the Almighty, DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on March 10, 2022 to mark the commencement of the session. The Hawan-Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee.
The offerings in the hawan yajna were made by Dr. K.K. Nohria, Chairman , Local Managing Committee Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg (Head, Department of Commerce), Prof. Ravinder Singh (Head, Department of Punjabi), Prof. Sandeep Bhatia (Head, Department of History), Dr. Satish Grover (Head, Department of English), Dr. Vandana Jindal (Head, Department of English), Dr. Gurpreet Singh (Head, Department of Physics), Prof. Kuldeep Singh (Head, Department of Physical Education), Prof. Vikas Katia, Dr. Kusum Gupta, Prof. Aman Malhotra, Dr. Parveen Bala, Prof. Anuja Puri, Sh. Baldev Krishan Sharma (Superintendent, Office) and Sh. Rajinder Kumar (Superintendent, Accounts Office) also made offerings in the yajna and prayed for the progress of the institution, welfare of the people and peace in the entire world.
The Principal Dr. Rajeev Sharma conveyed warm wishes on the occasion and wished for the well being of his staff and students. He exhorted everybody present on the occasion to seek the blessings of the Almighty to work towards the growth of the institution. He appreciated the Arya Samaj Committee members, namely, Dr. Monika Ghulla, Dr. Satish Grover, Prof. Neha and Prof. Munish for their efforts in organizing the hawan yajna.

A hawan yajna was solemnized at DAV College Bathinda on the occasion of naming the Botanical Garden and the Girls Common Room in the memory of Late Dr. Sanjeev Sharma as “Dr. Sanjeev Sharma Memorial Botanical Garden and Girls Common Room”. The honourable guests present on the occasion were Dr. K.K.Nohria (Chairman, Local Managing Committee) and Dr. H.S. Arora (Principal, Gidderbaha College). Offerings were made in the hawan yajna and everyone present on the occasion prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace and solace.
Dr. K.K. Nohria in an earnest eulogy to Dr. Sanjeev Sharma addressed him as a man who always worked incessantly for the growth of the institution and motivated everyone never to give up. He further added that Dr. Sharma’s name will be imprinted in the annals of DAV institution.
Reminiscing his close association with Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dr. H.S. Arora in an overwhelming manner recounted the various incidents which resonated with the perseverance, dedication, integrity and compassion of the remarkable person with an amazing aura. He stated that under Dr. Sharma’s leadership, the college touched great heights and carved a niche for itself in the academic fraternity. Dr. Arora appreciated Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg for undertaking this noble venture of naming the Botanical Garden and Girls Common Room after Dr. Sanjeev Sharma.
The Officiating Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg extended a heartfelt tribute to Dr. Sanjeev Sharma and said that he will always reside in our hearts and continue to inspire us. Addressing Dr. Sanjeev Sharma as an exemplary figure, he stated that the college has risen to great heights due to the various administrative, academic and philanthropic ventures undertaken by Dr. Sanjeev Sharma. He thanked Dr. K.K. Nohria and Dr. H.S. Arora for gracing the occasion with their benign presence.