
Historical Background of College Library

With the laying down of the foundation stone of this college in 1969, the College Library came into existence. Late Sh. D.P.Bansal was the first Librarian of this Library. He put his best to make this Library the best information pool. During the regime of Principal Sh. P.L. Trakru, the Library was shifted to the present building in 1996, with separate stack room and a well furnished reading room with more than 150 chairs.


The College Library has a very rich collection of books on all subjects being taught in the College at Intermediate, Graduate and Post-Graduate Level. More than 38900 titles are available for the use of its readers.

Reference Books

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Year Books, Pictorial Dictionaries, India and World’s Who’s Who, Atlas, Thesaurus, books on Synonym and Antonym etc. are also available for reference use. Collected works of Mahatma Gandhi in 75 volumes is the unique part of library collection. Number of Hindi / Punjabi / English dailies, subject based Magazines and Journals also form a valuable component of the Library Collection.


i) Book-Bank Facility

To facilitate the meritorious and needy students, college library provides free books from Book-Bank section. This section contains the latest books concerning with latest syllabus.

ii) E-Catalogue/ Remote Access

Library books have been catalogued using most advanced system. E-Catalogue helps the students and library staff to check the availability of the books with its pre allocated location.

Link for: E-Catalogue and Remote Access

iii) Internet Facility: Library is equipped with fast speed Internet facility to facilitate the use of World Wide Web and to provide online access to E-Books, E-Journals and other study material.

iv) N-LIST:  The college is also a part of the N-LIST programme of UGC. The college library provides access to the E-resources to its members through N-LIST programme of N-LIST. Faculty members and students have been provided Login IDs and Passwords for accessing E-Resources through N-LIST

v) Library Reading Room: The College Library has a reading room measuring 70*30 sq ft. area for the use of students in their vacant periods.

vi) Circulation Counter: Issue and Return of books is done in an effective and speedy manner.

Future Plans: Extension in the time span of the Reading Hall and provision of Reading Hall during holidays are the future plans to facilitate Library Readers.