NAME : Dr. Vikas Duggal
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
Email id : vikasduggal86@gmail.com
Contact No: 83607-52286
- Vikas Duggal, Samriti Sharma, Rohit Mehra, 2020, Risk Assessment of Radon in drinking water in Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan. Chemosphere 239,(Elsevier Publication) (IF: 5.108)
- Vikas Duggal*, Samriti Sharma, A.K. Srivastava, Rohit Mehra (2018). Measurement of radon concentration in drinking water in Bhiwani district of Haryana, India. Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer publications), 91, pp. 700-703, (ISSN: electronic-0974-6889, print-0016-7622).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2018). Risk assessment of 238U and 232Th in groundwater in Bathinda district of Punjab State, India. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering, 7(8), pp. 117-128, (ISSN: 2319-8354).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani (2018). Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk assessment of metals in groundwater via ingestion and dermal absorption pathways for children and adults in Malwa Region of Punjab, India. Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer publications), 92, PP. 187-194, (ISSN: electronic-0974-6889, print-0016-7622).
- Vikas Duggal*, Samriti Sharma, Rohit Mehra (2018). Exposure assessment of dissolved radon in groundwater in Khetri Copper Belt of Jhunjhunun and Sikar districts of Rajasthan, India. Current Science, (ISSN: 0011-3891) (Accepted).
- Samriti Sharma, Vikas Duggal*, Ajay Kumar Srivastava, Rohit Mehra (2017). Assessment of radiation dose from exposure to radon in drinking water from Western Haryana, India. International Journal of Environmental Research (Springer Publications), 11, pp. 141-147, (ISSN: Online-2008-2304, Print-1735-6865).
- Vikas Duggal*, Samriti Sharma, Rohit Mehra (2017). “Radon levels in drinking water of Fatehabad district of Haryana, India” Applied Radiation and Isotopes (ELSEVIER Publications), 123, pp. 36-40. (ISSN: 0969-8043).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra, Komal Saini, B.S. Bajwa (2017). “Assessment of age-dependent radiation dose and toxicity risk due to intake of uranium through the ingestion of groundwater from northern Rajasthan, India”. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry (Taylor & Francis), 99, pp.516-524. (ISSN: print-0277-2248, electronic-1029-0486).
- Vikas Duggal*, Samriti Sharma, Komal Saini, B.S. Bajwa (2016). “Assessment of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk from exposure to uranium in groundwater from Western Haryana, India” Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer publications), 89, pp.663-668 (ISSN: electronic-0974-6889, print-0016-7622).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra, V. Balaram (2016). “Risk assessment of metals from groundwater in Northeast Rajasthan, India” Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer publications), 90, pp.77-84. (ISSN: electronic-0974-6889, Print-0016-7622).
- Komal Saini, Vikas Duggal, B.S. Bajwa* (2017). “Assessment of radiation dose due to intake of uranium through groundwater and its carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks in Southwest and northeast Punjab, India” Indoor and Built Environment, pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/1420326X17699978. (ISSN: Online-1423-0070, Print-1420-326X).
- Samriti Sharma, Vikas Duggal*, A.K. Srivastava, Rohit Mehra, Asha Rani (2017). “Radon concentration in groundwater and associated effective dose assessment in Western Haryana, India” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering 3(3), pp. 69-78. (ISSN: online-2454-9665, print-2454-0663).
- Vikas Duggal*, Samriti Sharma (2017). Chemotoxicity and Radiotoxicity risk assessment from exposure to uranium in groundwater from Western Haryana, India. International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 13, pp.107-112. ((ISSN: 0973-1776).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, V. Balaram (2016). “Assessment of Age-Dependent Radiation Dose due to Intake of uranium and thorium in Drinking Water from Sikar District, Rajasthan, India”. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford Journals), 171(2), pp. 257-261. (ISSN: Online-1742-3406, Print-0144-8420).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2015). “Study of radium and radon exhalation rate in soil samples from areas of Northern Rajasthan, India”. Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer publications), 86, pp. 331-336. (ISSN: electronic-0974-6889, Print-0016-7622).
- Vikas Duggal*, Rohit Mehra, Asha Rani (2015). “An investigation of factors influencing indoor radon concentrations in dwellings of Northern Rajasthan, India”. Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer publications), 86, pp. 173-180. (ISSN: electronic-0974-6889, Print-0016-7622).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2014). “Measurement of indoor radon concentration and assessment of doses in different districts of Northern Rajasthan, India”. Indoor and Built Environment (SAGE Publication), 23, pp. 1142-1150. Doi: 10.1177/1420326X13500801. (ISSN: Online-1423-0070, Print-1420-326X).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra, R.C. Ramola (2014). “Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and associated dose rates in soil samples from Northern Rajasthan, India”. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford Journals), 158(2), pp. 235-240. doi:10.1093/rpd/nct199. (ISSN: Online-1742-3406, Print-0144-8420).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2014). “Measurement of soil-gas radon in some areas of Northern Rajasthan, India” Journal of Earth System Science (Springer publications), 123(6), pp. 1241-1247. (ISSN: electronic-0973-774X, Print-0253-4126).
- Vikas Duggal*, Rohit Mehra, Asha Rani (2014). “Analysis of radon concentration in drinking water in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan, India”. Radiation Protection and Environment (IARP Publication), 36(2), pp. 65-70. (ISSN: Online-2250-0995, Print-0972-0464).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2014). “A study of seasonal variations of radon levels in different types of dwellings in Sri Ganganagar district, Rajasthan” Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences (ELSEVIER Publications), 7, pp. 201-206. (ISSN: 1687-8507)
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2014). “Monitoring of metal contaminations in groundwater in Northern Rajasthan, India”. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Science, 3(2), pp. 114-118. (Print ISSN: 2146-8311)
- Asha Rani*, Rohit Mehra, Vikas Duggal (2013). “Analysis of uranium concentration in drinking water samples using ICPMS”. Health Physics (LWW Journals), 104(3), pp. 251-255, 2013 doi: 10.1097/HP.obo13e318279ba05. (ISSN: Online-1538-5159, Print-0017-9078).
- Asha Rani*, Rohit Mehra, Vikas Duggal (2013). “Radon monitoring in groundwater samples from some areas of Northern Rajasthan, India, using a RAD7 detector” Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford Journals), 153(4), pp. 496-501. Doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncs130. (ISSN: Online-1742-3406, Print-0144-8420).
- Vikas Duggal*, Rohit Mehra, Asha Rani (2013). “Determination of 222Rn level in groundwater using a RAD7 detector in the Bathinda district of Punjab, India”. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford Journals), 156(2), pp. 239-245. doi:10.1093/rpd/nct054. (ISSN: Print-0144-8420).
- Asha Rani*, Surinder Singh, Vikas Duggal, V. Balaram (2013). “Uranium estimation in drinking water samples from some areas of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, India using ICPMS”. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford Journals), 157(1), pp. 146-151. Doi: 10.1093/rpd/nct112. (ISSN: Online-1742-3406, Print-0144-8420).
- Asha Rani*, Surinder Singh, Vikas Duggal (2013). “Indoor radon measurements in the dwellings of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, India”. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford Journals), 156(1), pp. 118-124. doi:10.1093/rpd/nct041. (ISSN: Print-0144-8420).
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani*, Rohit Mehra (2012). “Assessment of arsenic content in groundwater samples collected from four districts of Northern Rajasthan, India”. Der Chemica Sinica (Pelagia Research Library), 3 (6), pp. 1500-1504. (ISSN: 0976-8505).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2012). “Indoor radon level measurements in the dwellings of Northern Rajasthan, India”. Advances in Applied Science Research (Pelagia Research Library), 3(6), pp. 3956-3960. (ISSN: 0976-8610).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2012). “In situ measurements of radon levels in groundwater in Northern Rajasthan, India”. Advances in Applied Science Research (Pelagia Research Library), 3(6), pp. 3825-3830. (ISSN: 0976-8610).
- Samriti Sharma, Vikas Duggal*, A.K. Srivastava, Rohit Mehra, Asha Rani (2017). “Radon concentration in groundwater and associated effective dose assessment in Western Haryana, India” International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management (ICRIESHM-17) at Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur, Punjab, India. 18-19 March, 2017, pp. 110-119. (ISBN: 978-93-86171-33-7).
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2014). “Measurement of 222Rn Concentration in Drinking Water in Northern Rajasthan, India”. International Journal Engineering Research and Technology (ESRSA Publication), AMRP-2013 conference proceedings, pp. 113-116. (ISSN: 2278-0181).
- Vikas Duggal*, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra, (2018). “Risk Assessment of 238U and 232Th in groundwater in Bathinda district of Punjab State, India” International Conference on Advances in Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences (ICAMPCS-18) at S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur, Punjab, India from 12 to 13 February, 2018. (Oral Presentation)
- Samriti Sharma, Vikas Duggal*, A.K. Srivastava, Rohit Mehra, Asha Rani (2017). “Radon concentration in groundwater and associated effective dose assessment in Western Haryana, India” International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management (ICRIESHM-17) at Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur, from 18th to 19th March, 2017. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2012). “Radon monitoring in ground water samples from some areas of Northern Rajasthan, India Using RAD7”. Radiation Environment, assessment, measurement and its impact (RADENVIRON-2012) at BBA University, Lucknow, India from 12th to 14th April, 2012. (Poster Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2012). “Seasonal variation of indoor radon in dwellings of Northern Rajasthan, India”. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics for Environmental Monitoring and Management (ETPEMM-12) at Punjabi University, Patiala, from 17th to 19th December, 2012. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Samriti Sharma Rohit Mehra (2018). Assessment of Radiation dose due to intake of radon in drinking water from Northern Haryana, India. International Conference on Science and Technology: Trends and Challenges (ICSTTC-2018) at G.G.N. Khalsa College, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during April 16-17, 2018. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Samriti Sharma (2018). Uranium in bottled waters sold in India and associated age-dependent dose assessment. National Conference on Emerging Scenario in Basic and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development at D.A.V. College, Bathinda, Punjab, India on 5 April, 2018. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Samriti Sharma (2018). Uranium in bottled waters sold in India and associated dose assessment. National Conference on Advances in Nuclear and Solid State Physics at R.S.D. College, Ferozepur City, Punjab, India on 28 March, 2018. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2018). Assessment of Radiation Dose due to Intake of Radon in drinking water from Northern Haryana, India. 15th National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Chemistry-2018. Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur, India on 24th February, 2018. (Poster Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2018). Assessment of age-dependent radiation dose and toxicity risk from exposure to 238U and 232Th in groundwater from Bathinda district of Punjab, India. National Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical, Environmental and Material Sciences (RTCEMS-2018) at DAV College, Abohar, Punjab, India on 24 January, 2018. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Samriti Sharma (2017). Uranium in bottled water in Northern India and associated age-dependent dose assessment. National Seminar-Cum-Workshop on Recent Trends in Physics at Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur, from 6-7 September, 2017. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Samriti Sharma (2016). “Chemotoxicity and radiotoxicity risk assessment from exposure to uranium in groundwater from Western Haryana, India” at SGGS Khalsa College, Mahilpur, Hoshiarpur, Punjab in the field of National Conference on Research Trends in Physics and Electronics (NPE-2016) during November 25-26, 2016. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, V. Balaram (2015). “Assessment of age-dependent radiation dose due to intake of uranium and thorium in drinking water from Sikar district, Rajasthan, India” at HNB Garhwal University in the field of First National Conference on Radiation Awareness and Detection in Natural Environment June 15 – 17, 2015 H.N.B. Garhwal University, S.R.T. Campus Badshahi Thaul, Tehri Garhwal – 249 199, India. (Oral Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2013). “An investigation of factors influencing indoor radon concentrations in dwellings of Northern Rajasthan, India” at Punjabi University, Patiala in the field National symposium on Emerging Trends in Physics for Ionizing Radiations, Aerosols and Material Science (ETPRAM-13) during December 13-14, 2013. (Poster Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2013). “Measurement of 222Rn concentration in drinking water in Northern Rajasthan, India” at SLIET, Longowal in the field of National Conference on Advanced Material and Radiation Physics (AMRP-2013) during 22th to 23th November, 2013. (Poster Presentation)
- Vikas Duggal, Asha Rani, Rohit Mehra (2013). “Determination of 222Rn concentration in soil-gas in using a RAD7 detector in SriGanganagar district, Rajasthan, India”. 18th National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors and Their Applications (SSNTDs-18) at Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana, India from 18th to 20th October, 2013. (Oral Presentation)
- Participated in National Conference on Solid State Nuclear Track Detector and their applications (SSNTD-17) at MSU, Vadodra during 17th to 19th October, 2011.
- Participated in National Conference on Advanced Material and Radiation Physics (AMRP-2011) at SLIET, Longowal during 4th to 5th November, 2011.
- Vikas Duggal (2018). Measurement of Radon Concentration in Drinking Water: A Case Study of Jind District, Haryana, India. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 1-46, ISBN: 978-613-9-93942-8. (International)
- Vikas Duggal (2018). Measurement of Radon Concentration in Soil Gas: A Case Study of Northern Rajasthan, India. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 1-53, ISBN: 978-613-9-93038-8. (International)
- Vikas Duggal (2018). Non-carcinogenic and Carcinogenic Helath Risk Assessment of Metals: In Groundwater via Ingestion and Dermal Absorption Pathwaya for Children and Sdults in Northeast Rajasthan, India. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 1-65, ISBN: 978-3-330-00508-2. (International)
- Vikas Duggal (2018). Analysis of Trace Metals in Drinking Water by ICP-MS: A Case Study of Northern Rajasthan, India. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 1-56, ISBN: 978-613-9-85357-1. (International)
- Vikas Duggal (2018). Analysis of Uranium, Thorium and Radon in Drinking Water: A Case Study of Malwa Region of Punjab, India. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 1-65, ISBN: 978-613-9-82136-5. (International)
- Vikas Duggal (2018). Radiological Risk Assessment Due to Environmental Radioactivity: A Case Study of Northern Rajasthan, India. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 1-141, ISBN: 978-613-8-32924-4. (International)
- Vikas Duggal (2018). Indoor Radon Measurements: A Study of Seasonal Variations of Radon Levels in Different Types of Dwellings of Rajasthan, India. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 1-60, ISBN: 978-3-659-92975-5. (International)
- Life member of NTSI (Nuclear Track Society of India)
- National Radon Network Society