NAME : Dr. Kriti Gupta
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
Email id : 10.kriti@gmail.com
Contact No.: 99140-47974
Papers published in Refereed Journals
- Gupta K. 2011Proline induces heat tolerance in chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.) plants by protecting vital enzymes of carbon and anti oxidative metabolism. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (2011) 17(3): 203–213. IMPACT FACTOR- 0.9
- Gupta K, 2011. Heat-stress induced inhibition in growth and chlorosis in mungbean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) is partly mitigated by ascorbic acid application and is related to reduction in oxidative stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 33:2091-2101. Impact factor-1.67
- Gupta K, 2013. Heat-stress-induced reproductive failures in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) are associated with impaired sucrose metabolism in leaves and anthers. Functional Plant Biology (2013) 40: 1334-1349. IMPACT FACTOR-3.15
- Morpho phylogenetic assessment of a new moss species Bryum bharatiense Nov. (Bryaceae) from Larsemann Hills, Eastern Antarctica. Journal of Asia-pacific Biodiversity, 2021: 14(3), 283-289. Impact Factor: 0.92
- Morpho-molecular assessment of Acetabularia jalakanyakae sp. Nov. (Dasycladales, Chlorophyta), – a new species from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. 2021:50, 1-12, Impact Factor: 0.496
- Abiotic stress in algae: response, signaling and transgenic approaches. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2022. (34): 1843-1869. Impact Factor: 3.404
- First report of Planomicrobium okeanokoites associated with Himantothallus grandifolius (Desmarestiales,Phaeophyta) from the Southern Hemisphere. 2023. Plos One. 18(4): e0282516. Impact Factor: 3.75
- Attended “National conference on Plant & Microbial Biodiversity, present scenario, threats and conservation strategies” (2012) at P.U. Chandigarh.
- Attended “International conference on Sustainable Agriculture for food and livelihood security” held in 2012-2013 at Ludhiana (PAU).
- Participated in Golden Jubilee Symposium Prospects & Perspectives in Biochemistry” (2012) at P.U. Chandigarh.
- Attended “National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Exploring New Vistas in Biodiversity Research for Sustainable Development” (2011) P.U. Chandigarh.
- Attended “National Seminar on Biodiversity: Retrospect & Prospects” P.U. Chandigarh (2011).
- Participated in National Science Day in 2010.
- Participated in the 33rd Mid-year Meeting to celebrate “International year of basic sciences for sustainable development” organized by the Indian Academy of Sciences Bengaluru, on 8-9 July, 2022.
- Among toppers in the Panjab University M.Sc. Botany (Hons.) examination.
- First position in oral presentation at CHASCON-2010.
- First division in M.Sc. (Hons.) Botany with distinction
- Got first division in B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany at university level and ranked second among university toppers.
- Convenor of SERB-DST & DBT sponsored National conference “Recent Advances in Science & Technology for Sustainable Development, held on 5 March 2022.
- Coordinator of three-day virtual webinar on # Zerowaste-based theme from June 16-18, 2020 organized in collaboration with CUPB and INYAS
- Coordinator of National Conference titled ‘Emerging Scenario in Basic and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development’ organized at DAV College, Bathinda on April 5, 2018
- Coordinator of one-day virtual webinar on “Bioinformatics- An ocean of opportunities to leverage during lockdown” organized under DBT star college scheme, on September 26, 2020
- Organized many plantations drives at DAV college, Bathinda for inculcating environment consciousness among students
- Organized ‘National Science Day’ every year to uphold the spirit of science among students
- Delivered online talk titled ‘Science- Azadi ka Amrit’ at Jawahar Navodaya School, Dist. Fatehgarh Sahib on 13 March, 2021.
- Coordinator of one day lecture on Gender sensitisation- oppotunities, challenges and implications organized on 19 April, 2023 under IQAC of the college.
- Convenor of NAAC Criteria-7 of the College.
- Chapter : Arctic biodiversity amidst looming climate apocalypse: current status and way forward. 2021. ISBN 9780128230787. Elsevier Publications.
- Chapter: Trace elements and their role in abiotic stresses. 2023. ISBN 9781774912850. CRC press.
- Chapter: Regulatory roles of Strigolactones in drought tolerance in plants. 2023. ISBN 9781032124339. CRC Press.
- JRF from ICRISAT, Hyderabad (November 2010- April 2013) during PhD.
- Awarded with Summer Research Fellowship Program (SRFP) under the mentorship of Prof. Ashwani Pareek on the topic ‘Insilico characterization of SPX genes in Phaseolus vulgaris L.’ by the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru in 2021
- One of the contributors in the discovery of worldwide famous species of moss i.e., Bryum bharatiense, and Algal species i.e., Acetabularia jalakanyakae incollaboration with Dr. Felix Bast, from Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. Both the species were covered by BBC news in 2021
- Latest discovery of the moss species Bryum bharatiense was published in American Magazine “Polar Times” in the Summer/Fall edition of 2021.
- Inducted as a IUCN (International Union of Conservation of Nature) CEC member for 2021-2025.