NAME : Dr. Gurpreet Singh
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
Email id : gurpreet.dav@gmail.com
Contact No : 94171-72907
List of Publications
- Singh G(2016) Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrozen Plasma with Electronic excitation, current reports on science and technology, Vol. 2 Issue 1 pp 42-57 jan-june, 16(ISSN: 2455-023X)
- Singh G(2017) Influence of Pressure Derivative of Partition Function on the Isentropic Coefficient and Sound Speed for NLTE Hydrogen Plasma International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (ISSN:0973-1776) Vol. 13 No. 1 pp 142-145.
- Sharma, R, Singh, G. and. Singh, K. (2011).Theoretical investigation of thermophysical properties in two-temperature argon-helium thermal plasma, Phys Plasmas 18, 083510
- Sharma, R, Singh, G. and. Singh, K. (2011).Higher-order contributions to transport coefficients in two-temperature hydrogen thermal plasma, Phys. Plasmas 18, 063504.
- Sharma, R, Singh, G. and. Singh, K., (2011). Modelling of the thermophysical properties in Ar-He-H2 thermal plasmas with electronic excitation, J. Kor Phys.Soc., 58, No. 6: 1703-1707
- Singh, K., Singh, G. and Sharma, R. (2010). Role of electronic excitation on thermodynamic and transport properties of argon and argon-hydrogen plasmas Phys. Plasmas 17: 072309-8.
- Sharma, R, Singh, G. and. Singh, K. Self gravitating cylindrical configurations: differential rotation(2009) atti della” fondazione gorgio ronchi” 5, 671.
- Singh, K., Singh, G. and Sharma, R. (2009). Estimation of Higher-order contributions to Viscosity of thermal plasmas: Role of unlike interactions Phys. Plasmas 16: 114507-4.
- Singh, G., Sharma, R., and Singh, K. (2009). Electron transport in hydrogen thermal plasmas. J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES 8: 1344-1347.
- Singh, G., Sharma, R., and Singh, K. (2008). Effect of excited states on higher- order contributions to electron transport in hydrogen thermal plasmas. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41: 225203-7.
- Singh, G. and Singh, K. (2006). Estimation of higher-order contribution to viscosity of hydrogen plasmas including electronically excited states. Phys. Plasmas 13: 122309-4.
Conference proceedings(Last three years)
- Singh, G. and. Singh, K., (2013) Themal spraying:Thermodynamic properties with electronic excitation. International conference on Information and Mathematical Sciences (pp124-126). Elsevier
- Singh, G., Singh K.S. and Singh, K., (2013)Analytical expression for thermodynamic coefficients for NLTE hydrogen plasma. International conference on Information and Mathematical Sciences(pp127-129) Elsevier
Papers Presented/ Published in National Conference Proceedings
- Singh G, Neelam (2017) “Plasma Lighting Technology for Nutricious vegetables” at National Seminar “Agricultural Crisis and Farmer’s Distress in Punjab” on 25th Nov., 2017.
- Singh G (2016) Classical Root finding method applied to Saha Ionization equation at national Conference on Pervasive Computing on 6th May 2016.
- Singh G (2016) Role of Excited state on thermodynamic properties of argon plasma at national Conference on Pervasive Computing on 6th May 2016
- Singh G (2016) Thermodynamic Properties of NLTE Hydrogen Plasma: Role of Temperature and Pressure Derivative of Partition Function. national Conference in Recent Advancements in Science, Commerce and Technology in 6th April, 2016
- Singh G, Neelam(2016) Influence of Pressure on Internal Contribution of Specific Heat of NLTE Hydogen Plasma, National Conference in Recent Advancements in Science, Commerce and Technology in 5th April, 2016
- Effect on viscosity of NLTE hydrogen plasma with two temperature Saha equation (Science Colloquium: Emerging trends in basic and applied sciences at DAV college Jalandhar)
- Thermodynamic Properties of Argon Plasma with influence of non equilibrium parameter and electronic excitation (Emerging Challenges in Physics and Nano- Science at JCDAV college Dasuya)
- Thermal Plasma Technology for waste treatment (Methodologies for Recycling: the need of the hour at RRBawa DAV College Batala)
Papers Presented in National Conference Proceedings
- Gurpreet Singh, presented paper at ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Institution of Democracy: Challenges and Prospects in present Scenario” on 30th Oct., 2018
- Gurpreet Singh presented paper at National Conference “Emerging Scenario in Basic and Applied Science for Sustainable Development” on “Equilibrium Composition of Hydrogen -Helium thermal Plasma in Jupiter atmosphere including pressure derivative at partition Function” on 5th Apr., 2018.
- Gurpreet Singh presented paper at National Conference on “Pervasive Computing” on “Application of Wireless Sensors in Green House” on 6th May, 2016
- Gurpreet Singh presented paper at National Seminar (NAAC Sponsored) on Teaching, Learning, Evaluation on “Problem Based learning” at DAV College, Jalandhar on 18-19th Mar., 2016.
List of Conferences
- Gurpreet Singh, “Estimation of….”, “Punjab Sc. Congress”, National Conference, GNDU Amritsar, Feb.7th -9th ,2012.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Plasma Fusion.”, “Material Research”, National Conference, Thapur University Patiala, Feb.13th -15th ,2012.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Build-up..”, “Materail Science Applications”, National Conference, DAV College Jalandhar, Mar 2nd -3rd ,2012..
- Gurpreet Singh, “Thermal Plasma…”, “Recent Advances in Chem. and Env. Sc.”, National Conference, MM Modi College Patiala, Mar 3rd ,2012.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Thermo….”, “Role of Sc. Inn.” National Conference, SLIET Longowal, Feb.7th -9th ,2011.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Transport….”, “Advance Maths”, National Conference, DAV College Bathinda, Feb.25th -26th ,2011.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Effect of excited…”, “Nanomaterials”, National Conference, DAVIET Jalandhar, Feb.27th , 2010
- Gurpreet Singh, “Plasma ….”, “Env. Challenges”, International Conference at KMV College Jalandhar, Oct.15th -16th ,2010.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Plasma…”, “Nanomaterials”, International Conference at KMV College Jalandhar, Oct.28th -29th ,2009.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Plasma…”, “Smart Materials”, National Conference at KMV College Jalandhar, Sep.19th -20th,2008.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Thermodynamics…”, “Punjab Sc. Congress”, National Conference at DAVIET Jalandhar, Feb. 7th -9t ,2007.
- Gurpreet Singh, “Fusion”, “SSNTD”, National Conference at DAV College Amritsar, Nov.1st -3rd ,2004
- Gurpreet Singh, “Fortran”, “Computer Lab Training “,National Conference, Pbi Univ. Patiala, June 24th -28th ,2004
- Book “Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Thermal Plasma” By Gurpreet Singh(ISBN: 978-613-9-90360-3) , Lap Lambart Academic Publishing, 2018
- Book “Electricity and Magnetism” By T.S. Bhatia and Gurpreet Singh(ISBN: 978-93-82956-19-8), 201, Vishal Publishers, Jalandhar city
- Book “Vibration and Waves” By Gurpreet Singh and Neelam, Kapila Publishers, Jalandhar city
- Book “Optics” By Sonik Bhatia, Gurpreet Singh and Rishi Kumar(ISBN: 978-93-86655-11-0), Kapila Publishers, Jalandhar city