NAME : Mr. Rajesh Batra
DESIGNATION : Associate Professor
Email id : rajesh_batra2000@yahoo.com
Contact No : 94171-44290
Paper Presented/Published in Conferences
- “Batra Rajesh”, “M-Governance and E-Governance in India” Published in International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2017) ISSN:2394-3386, on 18th-19th March, 2017.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Association of Big data with Map-Reduce technology arguments for Economic growth in Retail” Published in International Conference on Inovative Research in Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities(ICIRESMH-2017) ISSN:2394-3386, on 19th Feb.,2017.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Concept of mobile technology on women society in rural in India” Published in International Conference on Latest Concepts in Science, technoloy and Management (ICLCSTM-2017) ISSN:2349-4476, on 5th Feb.,2017.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Smart Farm using Wireless Sensor Network, National Conference, D.A.V. College, Bathinda, ISBN 93-5181-154-9, 6th May,2016.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “M Learning in India”, Future Patterns in IT, DAV College Abahor, ISBN 978-81-7072-176-5, 4th Dec. 2015.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Cyber Pollution-Problem and Remedies”, E-Banking Adoption in India, International Conference, Khalsa College, Patiala, ISBN: 978-81-909755-9-9, 4th April 2014.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Role of Researchers in Shaping The Society”, National, Gyan Sarovar, 30th Aug.-2nd Sept. 2013.
- “Batra Rajesh”, Mobile Agent Security in Adhoc N/W using threshold cryptography in International Journal on Information Communication Technologies Vol 6, No 2, Jan-June 2013, ISSN 0973-5836, PP 198-202.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Innovative Developments in ICT-Today and Tomorrow”, Mobile Agent Security in Adhoc N/W Using Threshold Cryptography, International Conference, D.A.V. College, Amritsar, ISSN:0973-5836,V-6,No.1-2, Jan-Jun-2013 P 198-202, 2-3 March 2013.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Role of Technology in Enhancing The Quality of Higher Education”, International Conference, K.M.V. Jalandhar, 26-27 Oct. 2012.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Technology and Information System”, International Conference, D.A.V. College Amritsar, 20-21 Nov. 2010.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Edusat and Challenges for Its Implementation in Rural Sectors”, National Seminar, D.A.V College Jalandhar, 4-5 Feb 2005.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Embedded Systems”, National Seminar, K.M.V. Jalandhar, 24-25 Jan. 2005.
Research Paper Published in Journals
- “Batra Rajesh”, “M-Governance and E-Governance in India” Published in International Journal on International Journal of Engineering, Technology, Science and Research (IJETSR-2017) ISSN:2394-3386, on 18th-19th March, 2017.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Association of Big data with Map-Reduce technology arguments for Economic growth in Retail” Published in International Journal of Engineering technoloy, Science and Research (IJETSR) ISSN:2394-3386, Impact Factor 2.12, on 19th Feb.,2017.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Concept of mobile technology on women society in rural in India” Published in International Journal of Engineering technoloy, Management and Applied Sciences (IJETMAS) ISSN:2349-4476, Impact Factor 2.24, on 5th Feb.,2017.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Data Mining: Application and scope” Published in “Namitr’s Academic Journal of Excellence (NAJFE)”” ISSN- 2349-591X in 2015.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Software Testing and Further” Published in “Namitr’s Academic Journal of Excellence (NAJFE)” ISSN -2349-591X in 2015.
- “Batra Rajesh”, Mobile Agent Security in Adhoc N/W using threshold cryptography in International Journal on Information Communication Technologies Vol 6, No 2, Jan-June 2013, ISSN 0973-5836, PP 198-202.
- “Batra Rajesh”, Attended One Week Faculty Development Programme on recent trands in Digitization and Research Methodology at D.A.V College Bathinda From Jan 02-08, 2017
- “Batra Rajesh”, Attended Disaster Management Awareness Program from 27-29 Dec. 2016 at 7 BN NDRF, Bathinda
- “Batra Rajesh”, Attended Two days course on Search and Rescue at National Civil Defence College, Nagpur from 11th-12th Feb. 2016
- “Batra Rajesh”, Attended one week Training Program on Student Centred Learning at Punjab Uni. Chd. from 2nd-9th, April,2015
- “Batra Rajesh”, Attended Two weeks Short Term Training Program on “CYBER SECURITY AND FORENSICS” Organized by NITTTR Chd., at MIMIT, MALOUT from 2nd to 13th Feb,2013.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Research Methodology”, National Workshop, Thapar University, Patiala, 17th Dec. 2011.
- “Batra Rajesh”, “Nanotechnology”, National Workshop, D.A.V.I.E.T Jalandhar, 27th Feb. 2010.
- “Batra Rajesh”, Fundamentals of Information Technology, Twenty First Century, Patiala for BCA-I, PGDCA, M.Sc.(IT)-I, ISBN:978-93-85446-47-4.
- “Batra Rajesh”, Published an Artical “Modernizing Education Through Computers” in College Magazine “Sandeep”, 2014-15.
- “Batra Rajesh”, Editor of Computer Section, College Magazine “Sandeep”, 2014-15.
- Attended three months PRCN (Pre Commission), NCC training at Nagpur, Maharashtra from 14th Dec, 2015 to 12th March, 2016 and designated as ANO (Associated NCC Officer)
- Life time Member of ISTE (Indian Society for Techanical Education), New Delhi.
- Life time Member of Punjab science Congress
- Life time Member of YHAI (Youth Hostal Association Of India)