NAME : Mr. Pawanpreet Singh
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
Email id : pawanpreetmaan@gmail.com
Contact No: 98764-03387
Publications in Journals/ Conference/Seminar Proceedings :
- A paper entitled “Institutions of Democracy: Emerging Crises” published in national seminar on Institutions of Democracy: Challenges and Prospects sponsored by ICSSR organized by Department of Political Science, D.A.V College, Bathinda on October 30, 2018.
A paper entitled “Agrarian Change in Punjab: Political Aspect” published in national seminar on Agricultural Crise and Farmers Distress in Punjab sponsored by ICSSR organized by Economics, D.A.V College, Bathinda on March,10, 2017.
- A paper entitled “Human Rights and Role of Media in India, “Published in international conference on “Human Rights in India; A Multifaceted Aspect”, organized by D.A.V College, Abohar, 27-28 Feb. 2016, ISBN 978-93-5113-746-7.
- A paper entitled “Labour Problem in Agriculture and its Socio- Economic And Political Implications: A Case Study of Muktsar District,” Published in ICSSR sponsored national seminar on Malwa Region-Political, Economic and Socio- Cultural Aspects: Problems and Solutions, organized by D.A.V. College, Abohar, 20 Jan. 2016, ISBN 978-93-5113-727-6.
- Political ideas of Mahatma Gandhi and Cotemporary Relevance”, in International Journal of Advanced Research, ISSN No. 2320-5407, Dec. 2016.
Workshop Attended
- Professional Development Programme on Implementation of NEP 2020 for University and College Teachers, UGC Approved Short Term Professional Development Programme, 7-15 October, 2022.
- Refresher Course(online) on Advanced Research Methodology Tools and Techniques , Ramanujan College, New Delhi, 30 January- 14 Feb 2021.
- Orientation Programme,(online) Ramanujan College, New Delhi, June 26 – July 24, 2020.
- Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Digitization and Research Methodology” organized by DAV College, Bathinda on January 2-8, 2017.
- Training Workshop on “Quantitative Methods & Techniques in Social Science Research” in Indian Council of Social Science Research, North Western Regional Centre, P.U. Chandigarh, 11th to 16th October, 2010.
Pawanpreet Singh (2016), “Agricultural Labor Shortage in Punjab: A Case Study of Muktsar District,” Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-330-00321-7.