Ms. Seema Rani

NAME : Ms. Seema Rani
DESIGNATION :  Assistant Professor
EXPERIENCE : 12 Years 
Email id :
Contact No: 94177-54779


Research papers published


  2. Published paper on the topic of “ E-banking services in Digitalisation Era” in edited book “Digital Revolution-A Panorama for Reshaping the future” with ISBN 9788196036270 by SAPATRISHI PUBLICATION CHANDIGARH, during 2022.

  3. Presented abstract titled “Cryptography as a Security Measure in E-Commerce” during National conference on “Computational techniques & Mathematical Modelling” at DAV College, Bathinda on March 12,2022.
  4. Published book on Corporate Accounting-I, R.D Publication, July 2021 ISBN No. 93-84594-12-1.
  5. Company law, R.D publications, Feb 2020 ISBN No. 93-84594-18-0.
  6. Presented paper on  “Reducing Digital Divide Indirectly-The E-Commerce Way” during ICCSR (NWRC) sponsored National Seminar on “E-Commerce and its Implications on Indian Economy” at Dashmesh Girls College,Badal (Sri Muktsar sahib)on March 17, 2018 and Published in the form of Seminar Proceedings With ISBN 978-93-5113-979-9
  7. Presented paper on “Impact of GST on Indian Economy” during National Seminar on “GST: A Beacon of Hope for India-Issues And Challenges” at D.A.V.College,Bathinda, on April 09, 2018 and Published in the form of Seminar Proceedings With ISBN 978-93-87276-92-5
  8. Presented paper on “ Impact of GST on E-Commerce Market Place Sellers” during National Seminar at D.A.V.College, Bathinda on April 9, 2018 and Published in the form of Seminar Proceedings With ISBN 978-93-87276-92-5
  9. Published paper on “Impact of E-Commerce on Digital Divide” in International Journal of Business Management and Research- A Bi-Annual Journal with ISSN: 2249-2143, Volume 8, No. 2, July-Dec, 2018 Issue.
  10. Presented paper on  “Goods and Services Tax: Impacts” during ICSSR sponsored National Seminar at Guru Nanak College , Kilianwali on 24-02-2018 and published in the form of proceedings book entitled “Sustainable Development In India-Innovative Practices” with ISBN:9 78-938 745384.
  11. Presented paper on “Farmer’s Suicides in Punjab and Extension Strategies” during National Seminar at D.A.V. College, Bathinda on 10-03-2017, and published in the form of proceedings book entitled “Agriculture Crisis and Farmer’s Distress in Punjab” with ISBN :93-5181-205-7.
  12. Presented paper on “Women empowerment : need of the hour” during national seminar at S.S.D. Girls College, Bathinda on 04-03-2017 and published in the form of proceedings book entitled “Women Sensitization for Promising Solutions” with ISBN:978-93-85449-36-9.
  13. Presented paper on “Banking the Unbanked Via Digital Banking” during the National seminar at S.S.D.College, Bathinda on 05-03-16’ and published in the form of proceedings book entitled “ Startup India The Road Ahead” with ISBN:978-93-85447-93-8.

Faculty development/induction/Refresher programmes:

  1. Successfully completed online GURU-DAKSHTA Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission (UGC) Organized by “MM-TTC : Ramanujan College, Delhi” from December 16, 2024 to January 14, 2025 and obtained Grade A.

  2. Successfully completed the NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission (UGC) Organized by “MM-TTC : Ramanujan College, Delhi” from 20 November, 2024 – 29 November, 2024 and obtained Grade A.

  3. Successfully completed Online interdisciplinary Two Week Refresher Course on “Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCS 21.0” From 11-25 November 2023 with grade A from Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.

  4. Successfully completed Online Two months certificate course on “Fundamentals of GST” from 22 Aug. 2023-21October 2023 with grade A from Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration of Taxo academy, Indian Accounting Association-NCR chapter.

  5. Successfully completed online Faculty Induction programme/ Orientation programme from Ramanujan College, New Delhi from March 22 to April 20,2023.
  6. Successfully completed Online interdisciplinary TwoWeek Refresher Course on “Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCS 21.0” From 07-21 December 2022 with grade A+ from Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
  7. Successfully completed ONLINE Two- week Refresher Course in “Commerce and Management” from 1-14 Dec.,2022 with Grade A+ from Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
  8. Attended a four Week Induction/Orientation Programmer from Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi from 15 February 2022 to 16 March 2022 with Grade A+.
  9. Successfully completed four weeks induction/orientation programmer from teaching learning center, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi from 19 Oct.2021 to 18 Nov. 2021 with A+ grade.
  10. Successfully completed “ARPIT refresher course in commerce” from 1 Dec. 2020 to 31 March 2021 from Shri Ram college of commerce, under “SWAYAM”.
  11. Attended two weeks refresher/FDP for “Advanced Research Methodology tools and techniques” from 30 Jan 2021 to 14 Feb 2021 conducted by teaching learning center Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
  12.  Attended a five days online faculty development programme on “Statistical Application using SPSS software coordinated “why G.L. Education Foundation, Bengaluru from 15 to 19 Jan 2021.
  13. Participated in a three days faculty development programme from 17 Dec to 19 Dec, 2020 conducted by GL Bajaj Group of institutions, mathura.
  14. Achieved A+ grade in a two weeks faculty Development programme “Managing Online and Co-creating MOOC and 3.0” from 25 July to 10 Aug. 2020 organized by Ramanujan College, Delhi University.
  15. Attended four week induction/orientation programme and achieved A+ grade from 26 June to 24 July 2020 organized by Ramanujan College, Delhi University.
  16. Attended one week online faculty development program on “Entrepreneurship, incubation and innovation “from 23 June to 29 June 2020 organized by teaching learning center, Ramanujan College, Delhi University.(Ministry of HRD)
  17. Attended online international five days faculty development program on “Advanced English for Academic delivery in specific streams ” from AMITY University, Patna from 8 June to 12 June 2020.

List of Conferences, Seminar attended and Paper presented

  1. Presented paper on the topic “A Study of Trends in Household Investments in  India-The Story of a Decade” during one day ICSSR sponsored national seminar on “ Business Transformation for a Sustainable Future: Roadmap for success”   at  Deptt. Of business studies,, Punjabi University Campus , Talwandi Sabo on 14th June 2023.

  2. Presented paper on the topic “Role of govt in Business Transformation-E-governance implications” during one day ICSSR sponsored national seminar on “Business Transformation for a Sustainable Future: Roadmap for success” at Deptt. of business studies, Punjabi University Campus , Talwandi Sabo on 14th June 2023.

  3. Presented paper during one day national seminar on “Transformation in Higher Education: Implementation NEP 2020” at Guru Nanak College, kilianwali, on 11th march 2023.
  4. Presented paper on “crisis management: importance to organisation” during National seminar on “emerging issues in Indian economy” at Hindu College Sonipat, Haryana on March 2,2019.
  5. Presented paper on “GST AND OUR ECONOMY: IMPACTS” during National seminar at Guru Nanak College, Budhlada, on April 22, 2017.

Workshop Attended

  1. One day International workshop ‘the Joy of research ‘ conducted by IQAC of Nirmala Memorial Foundation college of Commerce and Science, KandiWali, Mumbai on 20 Jan 2021.
  2. International Conference on “An Indian Issue-Building Self Reliant India-Role of Media”, on 24-25 July 2020 by AMITY University, Patna. 
  3. Three days DAVCB-CUPB-INYAS workshop on, “zero waste” at DAV College, bathinda from 16 June to 18 June 2020.
  4. Attended Faculty Development Program on “ Recent trends in Digitization and Research Methodology” at D.A.V.College, Bathinda from Jan. 02-08, 2017 .