Mrs.Monika Bhatia

NAME : Mrs.Monika Bhatia
DESIGNATION :  Assistant Professor
EXPERIENCE : 20 Years 
Email id :
Contact No: 98554-45335


Paper Presented in Conferences :

  1. Presented a paper entitled “Impact of GST on Indian Economy” in National Seminar on “GST : A Beacon of Hope for India- Issues & Challenges” at D.A.V College Bathinda, April 9, 2018.
  2. Presented a paper entitled “MEance of Stubble Burning In Punjab : Causes and Remedies” in National Seminar on “Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjab” at D.A.V College Bathinda, March 10, 2017.
  3. Presented a paper entitled “Role of Women in Indian Economy” in National Seminar on ” Women Sensitisation for Promising  Solutions- A Strategy for Inclusive Growth”at S.S.D Girls College of Bathinda, March 4, 2017.
  4. Presented paper in National Seminar on ” Transitions From E-Commerce to M-Commerce Promise and Challenges” at D.A.V College Bathinda, May 6, 2016.
  5. Presented paper in National Seminar on ” Challenges For Women Entrepreneur” at S.S.D Girls College of Bathinda, March 5, 2016.
  6. Presented paper in National Seminar on ” India Retail Industries: Challenges and Opportunities” at University School of Business Studies, Punjabi University Talwandi Sabo, Feb 25, 2016.
  7. Presented Paper In National Seminar On ” Emerging Trends in Teacher Education : Peace Education” at S.S.D Girls College of Education Bathinda on 28Febuary 2015.
  8. Presented Paper in National Seminar on “Contenporary Issues in Management for Sustainable Development, E-Retailing : Opportunities and Challenges at University School of Business Studies, Punjabi University Talwandi Sabo on 18th February 2015.
  9. Presented Paper IN National Seminar on “impact og Globalization on MSMES in Punjab: Opportunities and Challenges” on 15 March 2014 at S.S.D Girls College Bathinda.
  10. Participated in Naional Conference “Indian BankingManaging Transformation in Globalization and Information Techonology Era, Held on March 4-5,2011 at D.A.V College Malout.

Paper Published in Conferences :

  1. Presented a paper entitled “Impact of GST on Indian Economy” in National Seminar on “GST : A Beacon of Hope for India- Issues & Challenges” at D.A.V College Bathinda, April 9, 2018.
  2. Presented paper title “Sustainable Development through Agricultural: Role of NGOs and SHGs” in proceedings of One Day National Seminar on Innovative Practices for Sustainable Development in India held at GN College, Killianwali on 24-February-2018.
  3. Presented a paper entitled “MEance of Stubble Burning In Punjab : Causes and Remedies” in National Seminar on “Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjab” at D.A.V College Bathinda, March 10, 2017.
  4. Presented a paper entitled “Role of Women in Indian Economy” in National Seminar on ” Women Sensitisation for Promising  Solutions- A Strategy for Inclusive Growth”at S.S.D Girls College of Bathinda, March 4, 2017.
  5. Presented paper in National Seminar on ” Transitions From E-Commerce to M-Commerce Promise and Challenges” at D.A.V College Bathinda, May 6, 2016.
  6. Presented paper in National Seminar on ” Challenges For Women Entrepreneur” at S.S.D Girls College of Bathinda, March 5, 2016.

Books Published

  1. Published Book “Business Statistics” of BBA 1, Semester II, Thakur Publisher, Ambala ISBN : 978-93-82249-13-9


  1. Attended Two Week online Refresher Course in Programme “Commerce and Management” and achieved A+ grade from 01 December to 14 December 2022 organized by Ramanujan College, Delhi University.
  2. Attended UGC Approved Short Term Professional Development Programme on “Implementation of NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers” held from 09-17 September, 2022 and obtained 88% organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
  3. Achieved A+ grade in a four weeks online Faculty Development Programme “Faculty in Universities/ Colleges/ Institutes of Higher Education” from 15 February – 16 March 2022 organized by Ramanujan College, Delhi University.
  4. Attended Four Week online Induction/Orientation Programme “Faculty in Universities/ Colleges/ Institutes of Higher Education” and achieved A+ grade from 19 October to 18 November 2021 organized by Ramanujan College, Delhi University.
  5. Attended one week online Faculty Development Programme on “Entrepreneurship, incubation and innovation” from 23 June to 29 June 2020 organized by teaching learning center, Ramanujan College, Delhi University.(Ministry of HRD)
  6. Attended Four Week online Induction/Orientation Programme and achieved A+ grade from 26 June to 24 July 2020 organized by Ramanujan College, Delhi University.
  7. Achieved A+ grade in a two weeks online Faculty Development Programme “Managing Online and Co-creating MOOC and 3.0” from 25 July to 10 Aug. 2020 organized by Ramanujan College, Delhi University.
  8. Attended Two Weeks online Refresher/FDP for “Advanced Research Methodology tools and techniques” from 30 Jan 2021 to 14 Feb 2021 conducted by teaching learning center Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
  9. Attended online International five days Faculty Development program on “Advanced English for Academic delivery in specific streams ” from AMITY University, Patna from 8 June to 12 June 2020.
  10. “Monika Bhatia”, Attended One Week Faculty Development Programme on recent trands in Digitization and Research Methodology at D.A.V College Bathinda From Jan 02-08, 2017.
  11. Successfully completed online faculty induction programme/ orientation programme from March 22, 2023 to April 20, 2023 from Ramanujan College University of Delhi.
  12.  Successfully completed Business Statistics course from Jan-Apr 2023(12 week course) from NPTEL, Swayam.
  13. Attended one day ICSSR sponsored national conference on “Business Transformation for Sustainable Future: Roadmap for Success”. Held on 14th June, 2023 from Punjabi University Guru Kanshi Campus, Talwandi Sabo.
  14.  Attended “International Conference on Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences” organized by MRSPTU, Bathinda and University of Tehran on 16-17 March, 2023 held at University Business School, MRSPTU, Bathinda..