NAME : Mr. Sumeet
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EXPERIENCE : 3 years
Email id : sumeetgrewal69@gmail.com
Contact No.: 70092-84092
Papers/Reviews Published in Journals
- “Deconstruction of Homosexuality as a Taboo in Heteronormative Society” in International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies(IJELR) ISSN. 2349-9451, Vol.2 Issue 3, July-Sep, 2015.
- “Unveiling Incest and Child Sexual Abuse as Taboos” in Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) ISSN. 2321-3108, Vol.3.3, July-Sep, 2015
Paper Presented/Participated in Seminars/Conferences
- Paper presented on “A New Approach to Myths: Study of Salman Rushdie’s Diasporic Fiction in PostColonial Context” in National Seminar on “Diasporic Indian English Literature: Issues and Concerns” at D.A.V. College, Bathinda on March 28, 2018.
- Paper presented on “Role of Media: Society and Politics” in National Seminar on “Institutions of Democracy: Challenges and Prospects in present scenario” at D.A.V.College, Bathinda on October 30, 2018.