NAME : Dr. Surinder Kumar Singla
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EXPERIENCE : 13 years
Email id : singlasoni@gmail.com
Contact No.: 84273-00137
- Successfully completed a Research Project entitled “Female Domestic Workers in Punjab: A Socio-Economic Analysis” funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, during August 2016 to July 2018 (2 Years).
- Successfully organised One-Day National Seminar on topic Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjab on 10th March 2017 as convener of the seminar. Funding agency: Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.
- Successfully organised One-Day National Seminar on topic Rural Transformation in Punjab: Issues and Challenges on 24th September 2022 as convener of the seminar. Funding agency: Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.
- Singla, S.K. (2011). India and China: Comparative Economic Performance. New Delhi: New Century Publications, ISBN No. 978-81-7708-280-7.
- Singla, S.K. and Singh, K. (2012). India-China Merchandise Trade: Mutual Gains and Unit Value Analysis, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-3-659-16592-4.
Research Papers in Journals
- Singla, S.K. and Singh, K. (2008). India and China: Growing Trade Ties in New Era. Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas, 22 (255): 11-20 (0970-7247).
- Singla, S.K. and Brar, J.S. (2008). India’s Exports during Post Reforms Period with Special reference to China. Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy, 18 (1 & 2): 57-72 (0974-9071).
- Gill, A.S. and Singla, S.K.(2009). Agricultural Sector of Punjab: Trends in Income, Productivity and Cropping Pattern. Agricultural Situation in India, 66 (1): 25-30 (0002-1679).
- Kumar, K. and Singla, S.K.(2010). Various Facets of Loan among Small and Marginal Farmers in Punjab: A Case Study of Bathinda District. Man & Development, 32 (1): 67-76 (0258-0438).
- Singla, S.K.(2011). Growing Trade Ties between India and China: Current Status and Prospects. International Journal of South Asian Studies, 4 (1): 58-78 (0974-2514).
- Singh, K. and Singla, S.K.(2012). Pattern of Growth and Instability of India’s Exports (1991-2006). International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, 2 (1): 100-107 (2231-4245).
- Singla, S.K. and Singh, K. (2012). India and China: Economic Reforms and WTO. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 1 (5): 55-56 (2249-555X).
- Singh, K. and Singla, S.K.(2012). An Analysis of India’s Exports (1991-2006). ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, 2 (2): 79-108 (2249-8826).
- Singla, S.K. and Singh, K. (2012). India’s Gains from Trade with China: An Analysis. International Journal for Research in Finance and Marketing, 2 (2): 549-565 (2231-5985).
- Singla, S.K. and Singh, K. (2012). Service Trade of India and China: Comparison, Revealed Comparative Advantage and Mutual Exchange. International Journal for Research in IT and Management, 2 (2): 1170-1186 (2231-4334).
- Singla, S.K. and Singh, K. (2012). Impact of Globalisation: The Indian Experience. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research, 2 (1): 1-10 (2250-0006).
- Singh, K. and Singla, S.K.(2012). Performance of India’s External Sector (1991-2006). DEV Smaj Journal of Humanity and Social Sciences, 2 (1): 119-129 (2250-043X).
- Singh, K. and Singla, S.K.(2012). An Analysis of India’s Exports Competitiveness. International Journal of South Asian Studies, 5 (1): 112-128 (0974-2514).
- Singla, S.K.(2012). An Appraisal of India’s Merchandise Trade with China. Apeejay Journal of Management and Technology, 7 (2): 17-30 (0974-3294).
- Singla, S.K.and Singh, K. (2013). India’s Trade with SAARC Countries: Problems and Prospects. Indian Management Studies Journal, 17 (1): 50-77 (0974-4355).
- Singla, S.K., Bala, P. and Kumar, S. (2014). Socio-Economic Conditions of Female Migrant Construction Workers in Punjab: A Case Study of Ludhiana City. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(7): 47-55 (2250-1665).
- Singla, S.K., and Goel, H. (2014). Growth and Trade Potentials of Central Asian Countries since their Independence. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 4(6): 1-12 (2250-1673).
- Singla, S.K., and Goel, H. (2014). Growth and Structure of India’s Merchandise Trade with United Arab Emirates. The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue – December: 302-311 (0019-4662).
- Singla, S.K. and Singh, M. (2014). Working of MGNREGA in Punjab: Success or Failure. Emphasis – A Journal of Social Sciences, 8: 70-82 (2230-8258).
- Singla, S.K. (2015). An Analysis of India’s Export Performance with China. Foreign Trade Review, 50(3): 219-230 (0015-7325).
- Goel, H., Sharma, A., and Singla, S.K. (2015). The Trade Migration Nexus: A Study of Indian Emigrants in UAE. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 13 (5): 3183-3194 (Listed in scopus) (0972-7302).
- Goel, H., and Singla, S.K. (2016). A Study of India’s Trade Intensity with United Arab Emirates: An Overview. International Journal of Trade and Global Business Perspectives, 5 (2): 2414-2419 (2319-9059).
- Rani, M., Kaur, H. and Singla, S.K. (2016). Socio-Economic Conditions of Women Brick Kiln Workers in Punjab State of India. International Journal of Humanities & Social Themes, 5 (1): 69-76 (2390-014X).
- Kaur, A., and Singla, S.K. (2017). Growth of Agricultural Credit, Branch Network and Outreach of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Punjab. International Journal of Economic Research, 14 (9): 55-67 (Listed in scopus) (0972-9380).
- Singh, K., Singla, S.K.and Singh, J. (2018). China’s Export Performance during Liberalised Era. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 14 (3): 420-429 (2277-5412).
Chapter in Edited Books
- Singla, S.K. (2022). An Analysis of India’s Exports Instability to China. In : Kaur, S. (ed.), Revisiting India-East Asia Connections: Problems and Prospects, KW Publishers Pvt. Lt., New Delhi (9789391490430).
- Kaur, H., Singla, S.K., and Rani, M. (2011). Child Labour in India: An Inter-State Analysis. In: Yadav, R.P., Deep, R. and Roy, R. (eds.), Child Labour in India, Pointer Publications, Jaipur (9788171326532).
- Rani, M. and Singla, S.K. (2012). Working and Living Conditions of Female Domestic Workers in Punjab: A Case Study of Sangrur District. In: Rao, P.D. (ed.), Empowering Marginalised Categories in India: Problems and Perspectives, Madhav Books, Gurgaon (9380615116).
Research Papers in Conference Proceedings
- Singla, S.K. (2019). Tyranny of Labour Laws in Punjab: A Case Study of Women Domestic Workers. Published in National Seminar ‘Institutions of Democracy: Challenges and Prospects in Present Scenario’ organised by DAV College, Bathinda on 30th October, 2018, PP. 337-345 (978-93-87276-92-5).
- Goel, H., andSingla, S.K. (2018). A Study on Impact of GST on Various Sectors in Indian Economy. Published in National Seminar ‘GST: A Beacon of Hope for India – Issues and Challenges’ organised by DAV College, Bathinda on 9th April 2018.
- Goel, H., andSingla, S.K. (2017). A Study on Indian Agriculture Sector in the Era of Globalisation. Published in National Seminar ‘Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjab’ organised by DAV College, Bathinda on 10th March 2017, PP. 11-14.
- Kaur, A., andSingla, S.K. (2017). Growth Performance of Agricultural Credit with Special Reference to Scheduled Commercial Banks in Punjab. Published in National Seminar ‘Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjab’ organised by DAV College, Bathinda on 10th March 2017, PP. 114-116.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Growth, Structure and Instability of India’s Exports to China’ in International Conference on Innovations, Trade and Development organised by Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies (CDEIS), Punjabi University, Patiala, on November 25-26, 2016.
- Participated in International Conference on Sustainable Development: Challenges before Asian Societies organised by Association of Asia Scholars at Punjabi University, Patiala, on November 14-16, 2008.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Growing Trade Ties between India and China: Current Status and Prospects’ in International Seminar on India and China in Global Economy organised by Department of Economics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, on March 4-5, 2011.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘India’s Trade with SAARC Countries: Problems and Prospects’ in International Conference on Peace, Security and Economic Development in South Asia organised by Association of Asia Scholars at Punjabi University, Patiala, on March 4-6, 2011.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Demographic Profile of Female Domestic Workers in Punjab’ in International Conference on Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences organised by Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda, on March 16-17, 2023.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘National Education Policy 2020: Issues and Challenges for Higher Education’ in National Seminar on Roles and Responsibilities of HEIs in Effective Implementation of NEP-2020by S.S.D. Girls’ College, Bathinda on 19th November 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Role of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Lending to Agriculture in Punjab’ in National Seminar on Emerging Economic Trends and Issues in State Politics in India organised by G.G.D.S.D. College, Hariana (Hosiarpur) on 11th March 2019.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘An Analysis of India’s Exports Instability to China’ in National Conference on Revisiting India-East Asia Connections: Problems and Prospects organised by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 7-8thMarch 2019
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Tyranny of Labour Laws in Punjab – A Case Study of Women Domestic Workers’ in National Seminar on Institutions of Democracy: Challenges and Prospects in Present Scenario organised by DAV College, Bathinda on 30th October 2018.
- Participated in a National Seminar on Impact of Liberalization on Employment and Environment organised by KRM DAV College, Jalandhar on 17th April 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘A Study on Impact of GST on Various Sectors in Indian Economy’ in National Seminar on GST: A Beacon of Hope for India – Issues and Challengesorganised by DAV College, Bathinda on 9th April 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘A Review of Problems faced by Women Workers in Unorganised Sector of India’ in National Seminar on Innovative Practices for Sustainable Development in Indiaorganised by Guru Nanak College, Killianwali on 24th February 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘FDI Inflows in India and China: A Comparative Analysis’ in National Seminar on Opening the Gate for FDI by Present Government: Is it a Boon or Bane for India organised by DAV College, Jalandhar on 24-25th March 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘A Study on Indian Agriculture Sector in the Era of Globalisation’ in National Seminar on Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjab organised by DAV College, Bathinda on 10th March 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Growth Performance of Agricultural Credit with Special Reference to Scheduled Commercial Banks in Punjab’ in National Seminar on Agricultural Crisis and Farmers’ Distress in Punjaborganised by DAV College, Bathinda on 10th March 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Economic Conditions of Female Domestic Workers in Punjab’ in National Seminar on Women Sensitisation for Promising Solutions: A Strategy for Inclusive Growthby S.S.D. Girls’ College, Bathinda on March 4, 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘A Scenario of Institutional Credit to Agriculture Sector of Punjab with Special Reference to Scheduled Commercial Banks’ in National Seminar on Rural Credit and Financial Penetration in Punjab by Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh on March 21-22, 2016.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Economic Conditions of Brick Kiln Women Workers in Punjab: A Study of Sangrur and Barnala Districts’ in National Seminar on Startup India: The Road Ahead by S.S.D. Girls’ College, Bathinda on March 5, 2016.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Poverty among Brick Kiln Women Workers in Punjab’ in National Seminar on The Paradigm of Inequality in India by BNGNDU College Mithra, Kapurthala on January 15-16, 2016.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Participation of Corporate Sector in Socio-Economic Development in India’ in National Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Challenges, Possibilities and Prospects for Socio-Economic Transformation by Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh on March 12-14, 2015.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Socio-Economic Conditions of Female Migrant Construction Workers’ in 6th Annual Conference on Promoting Excellence in Women and Development: The Way Forward for Progressorganised by Women’s Studies Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala on October 30-31, 2014.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Dynamics of India’s Current Account Balance since 1991’ in National Seminar on Rethink, Redefine and Redesign: A Futuristic Approach to Businessorganised by Apeejay Institute of Management Technical Campus, Jalandhar on April 19, 2014.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘An Analysis of India’s Export Performance with China (1991-2000)’ in National Seminar on Innovative Management Practices for Business Excellenceorganised by GNA-IMT, Phagwara on March 15, 2014.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Success and Failure of MGNREGA in Punjab’ in National Seminar on Punjab Economy: Opportunities and Challenges organised by Department of Economics, DAV College, Chandigarh on February 13-14, 2013.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘India’s Merchandise Trade with China’ in National Seminar on Emerging Global Economic Scenario: ASEAN and India organised by Department of Economics & Commerce, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, on March 19-20, 2010.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘India-China Economy: Reforms and WTO’ in National Seminar on The Relevance of WTO in the Present Scenario organised by Department of Economics & Commerce, M.D.S.D. Girls College, Ambala City, Haryana, on February 27, 2010.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Globalisation and Socio-Economic Mobility: The Indian Experience’ in National Seminar on Economic Development and Socio-Economic Mobility in India organised by Department of Economics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, on February 23-24, 2010.
- Participated in 51st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala, on December 11-13, 2009.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘India’s Merchandise Trade with China during Post Reform Period’ in National Seminar on India’s Foreign Trade: Post Reforms Trends, Opportunities and Challenges, organised by Sanatan Dharma College (Lahore), Ambala Cant, Haryana, on March 27, 2009.
- Participated in a National Seminar on Cooperative Movement in Socio-Economic Development in South West Asia organised by Centre for South West Asia Study (Pakistan-Afghanistan) at Punjabi University, Patiala (Punjab), on May 16, 2008.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘India’s Exports during Post-Reforms Era’ in National Seminar on India’s Exports: Growth Prospects under the Changing World Trade Scenario, sponsored by AICTE in School of Management Studies, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, J&K, on October 20-21, 2007.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘National Education Policy 2020: Issues and Challenges for Higher Education’ in National Seminar on Roles and Responsibilities of HEIs in Effective Implementation of NEP-2020by S.S.D. Girls’ College, Bathinda on 19th November 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Educational Status of Female Domestic Workers in Punjab’ in National Seminar on Transformation in Higher Education: Implementing NEP 2020by Guru Nanak College, Killianwali on 11th March 2023.
Ph.D: 2 (Degree Awarded)
- Heena Goel (Reg. No. 11312604) – “India-UAE Economic Relations: With Special Reference to Merchandise Trade” (Awarded by LPU, Phagwara)
- Amarpreet Kaur (Reg. No. 41300100) – “Performance Evaluation of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Financing Agriculture In Punjab” (Awarded by LPU, Phagwara)
M.Phil: 8 (Degree Awarded)
- Kanchan (Reg. No. 11210592) – “India’s Merchandise Trade with China: An Analysis of Revealed Comparative Advantage” (Awarded by LPU, Phagwara)
- Poonam Bala (Reg. No. 11210407) – “Socio-Economic Status of Migrant Women Construction Workers in Punjab: A Case Study of Ludhiana City” (Awarded by LPU, Phagwara)
- Prabhreet Kaur (Reg. No. 11312009) – “Trends and Pattern of Current Account Deficit in India Since 1991” (Awarded by LPU, Phagwara)
- Javaid Ahmad Mir (Reg. No. CUPB/MPH-PHD/SSS/CES/2013-14/01) – “India’s Agricultural Exports In The Post Reform Period” (Awarded by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda)
- Musavir Ul Habib (Reg. No. CUPB/MPH-PHD/SSS/CES/2013-14/08) – “Determinants of economic growth in India: A study of post reforms period” (Awarded by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda)
- Harpreet Kaur (Reg. No. CUPB/MPH-PHD/SSS/CES/2013-14/14) – “FRBM ACT and Fiscal Performance of Punjab” (Awarded by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda)
- Towseef Ahmad (Reg. No. CUPB/MPH-PHD/SSS/CES/2013-14/23) – “The Relationship between Trade Openness and Inflation: Evidence from India” (Awarded by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda)
- Parmjeet Kaur (Reg. No. CUPB/MPH-PHD/SSS/CES/2013-14/17) – “India’s Merchandise Exports to GCC: Trends and Pattern” (Awarded by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda)
S. No. | Nature | Topic | Orgnising Agency | Duration | Date |
1. | Workshop | Data Analysis through SPSS | Lovely Professional University, Phagwara | 5 Days | December 25-29, 2012 |
2. | FDP | Recent Trends in Digitisation and Research Methodology | DAV College, Bathinda | 7 Days | January 2-8, 2017 |
3. | Orientation Program | 4-Weeks Orientation Program | Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | 4-Weeks | June 20-July 24, 2020 |
4. | FDP/ Refresher Course | Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating (MOOCS) | Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | 2-Weeks | July 25-August 10, 2020 |
5. | Refresher Course | Advanced Research Methodology Tools and Techniques | Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | 2-Weeks | January 30-February 14, 2021 |
6. | Orientation Program | 4-Weeks Orientation Program | Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | 4-Weeks | February 15-March 16, 2022 |
7. | Refresher Course | Indigenous Knowledge & Ethics (ID) | UGC-HRDC Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla (Online) | 2-Weeks | July 11-July 23, 2022 |
- Life member of Indian Economic Association (IEA), New Delhi. (Membership number is PB-120).
- Chaired a Technical Session in 2nd International Conference on Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture – Emerging Technologies organized by Baba Farid College, Deon, Bathinda.
- Chaired a Technical Session in National Seminar on Revisiting India-East Asia Connections: Problems and Prospects organised by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 7-8th March 2019.