NAME : Dr. Parveen Bala
DESIGNATION : Associate Professor
EXPERIENCE : 20 years
Email id : parveen_bala@yahoo.com
Contact No.: 94639-35353
List of Publications
- Bachan Singh, Nisha , Parveen, S.S Bhardwaj and P.S. Sidhu (1991) Phosphate adsorption by soils as affected by various anions Indian J.Agric chem..XXV(3); 161-170
- Mahl , B.S.H Kaur Parveen Bala and S.S Bhardwaj (1992) Measurement of excess volumes of cycloalkanols +cyclohexane,+ benzene,+ toluene, and+ p-xylene at 308. K fluld phase Equilibria 71:313-320
- Parveen Bala ,B.S. Mahl , H.K. Mahl and S. S Bhardwaj (1993) Excess volumes of pentanol-2. And 2-Methyl butanol-2 with some n- alkanes at 308.15 K.fluid Phase Equilibria 85:217-233
- Parveen Bala , S.S Bhardwaj , P.S. Sidhu and Bachan Singh (1995) Effect of ionic strength on phosphate adsorption by soild .J. ind.soc. soil sci.43 (3):342-346
- Parveen Bala ,S.S Bhardwaj P.S.Sidhu and Bachan Singh (1996) Effect of ionic strength on phosphate adsorption by soild .J. ind chem. Soc .73:654-658
- Parveen Bala S.S.Bhardwaj and P.S.Sidhu (1999) Kinetices of phosphate adsorption by soild at different temperatures. Asian journal of chemistry 11(3):996-1000.
- Parveen Bala , S.S Bhardwaj and P.S. Sidhu (2000) Effect of electrolyte pH on phosphate Adsorption by soild .Asian journal of Chemistry 12(2) :394-398
Research Papers Presented in Conferences
- Parveen Bala and , S.S. Bhardwaj and (1993) Effect of supporting electrolyte on phosphate adsorption by soild Proceedings of the 12th conference of ind. Council of Chemists, Warangal (Abs.No. P 0-9)
- Parveen Bala ,S.S Bhardwaj and P. S. sidhu (1993) Effect of ionic strength and nature of cations on phosphate adsorption from soild. Annual convention of chemists, Jaipur (Abs No.Phys.0-16)
- Parveen Bala 1990 Thermodynamic studies of some binary liquid mixtures M.S.c. P.A.U Ludhiana
- Parveen Bala 1993 Effect of anions ionic, strenghth and pH on phosphate adsorption by soild Ph.D .P .A .U.Ludhiana
Paper Published
- “Effect of temperature on phosphate adsorption by soils,” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, SP1: 461-465, 2019
Paper Presented/Published in National Conference Proceeding
- “Effect of Temperature on Phosphate Adsorption by Soils”, National Conference on “Emerging Scenario in Basic and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development”, DAV College, Bathinda, 5th April, 2018. ISBN: 978-93-87276-93-2