‘पल्लवन हिंदी साहित्यिक संघ’ के रूप में हिंदी विषय की समिति छात्रों की मौलिक व सृजनात्मकता को उभारने में महती भूमिका का निर्वहन करेगा।
लक्ष्य व उदेदश्य :—
1. छात्रों को राष्ट्रीय भाषा व हिंदी साहित्य के प्रति रूचि बढ़ाना ।
2. वैश्वीकरण के युग में हिंदी भाषा में हो रहे तकनीकी विकास की जानकारी छात्रों को देना व उनके प्रयोग पर बल देना ।
3. मौलिक व सृजनात्मक कौशलों का विकास।
Executive Team of Pallvan Hindi Sahitiyak Sangh 2022-2023
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Monika Ghulla
Sr. No. | Name | Roll. No. | Class | Designation | |
1. | Riya | 4467 | BA.III | President | |
2. | Akash | 3489 | BA.I | Vice-President | |
3. | Shgufta | 3800 | BA.I | Secretary | |
4. | Chahat Bansal | 4101 | BA.II | Finance Secretary | |
5. | Shubham singla | 4114 | BA-II | Joint Secretary |
Creativity Enhancement Activities:
Pallvan Hindi Sahitiyak Sangh of Hindi Department in collabration with the Arya Samaj Committee celebrated Swami Virjanand’s Jayanti by organizing a Poem recitation competition. 15 students of B.A, B.Com, BBA, PGDCA participated enthusiastically in the event. They recited beautiful and motivational poems on varied themes, like that of pathos, patriotism, and social issues.
Pallvan Hindi Sahitiyak Sangh of Hindi Department Organized Sanskritik Mela 2022. The rich cultural heritage of various states was exhibited in the fair.
Pallvan Hindi Sahitiyak Sangh of Hindi Department Organized Extention Lecture to Celebrate Hindi Diwas
Pallvan Hindi Sahitiyak Sangh of Hindi Department Organized Nukad Natak and creative activities to Celebrate Hindi diwas
Wall magazine competition organized on the event of “Prem Chand Jayanti”

- Poem recitation and Wall magazine competition organized on “Hindi Diwas” on Sept. 14, 2018.

- The students of Hindi Department participated in Inter-College Competition organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on Nov. 27, 2017.

- The students of Hindi Department visited a Book Exhibition organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on Oct. 31, 2017.