DAV College Organises Bank Account Opening Camp for SC Students.(6/9/2024)
In a bid to facilitate Post Matric Scholarship applications for eligible SC students, DAV College Bathinda, under the guidance of social welfare officer, Mr. Ashok Kumar and in coordination with India Post Payments Bank, organised a special bank account opening camp on September 06, 2024. The initiative aims to simplify the process for students seeking scholarship under the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme of Punjab Govt by providing a streamlined approach to open Adhaar-seeded bank accounts necessary for scholarship disbursement. 170 students got their Adhaar-seeded bank accounts open with minimum documentation on the spot. The event was designed to support students in navigating the scholarship process and managing their finances effectively. The event also included a dedicated help desk for resolving individual queries and technical issues related to scholarship applications. This hands-on approach ensured that students received tailored advice and solutions to their specific needs.
The camp, held in College’s Reading Hall, saw active participation from students who are recipients of post-matric scholarships or are in the process of applying for them. India Post Payments Bank representatives were on hand to offer personalized assistance regarding the scholarship.
The Principal of the College, Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma applauded the outstanding efforts of Prof. Gurdeep Singh, Nodal Officer, Post Matric Scholarship Committee, Prof. Monika Bhatia, Dr. Amandeep Kaur, Prof. Heena Bindal, Prof. Gursewak Singh, Prof. Amit Sharma, Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur and Mrs. Bandana. He also expressed his gratitude to officials of India Post Payments Bank for smooth conduct of the special camp.

DAV College Bathinda organises Awareness Drive for SC Students.(23/8/2024)
Post- Matric Scholarship (PMS) Committee of DAV College Bathinda organises Awareness Drive for SC Students on August 23,2024. The Resource Person of the event was Sh. Ashok Kumar, Social Welfare Officer, Department of Social Justice, Empowerment and Minorities (Government of Punjab).
The Principal of the College Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Nodal officer Post- Matric Scholarship Committee Prof. Gurdeep Singh, Dr. Monika Ghulla, Prof. Heena Bindal, Dr. Prabhjot Kaur, Mrs. Bandana (Accounts Office) felicitated the guest and extended cordial welcome.
Sh. Ashok Kumar informed the students about the Eligibility criteria, and Methodology of applying for the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme. He informed the students about the requirement of having an Aadhar Seeding Account to avoid any inconvenience. He enlightened the students about the various schemes offered by the Government of India for the Welfare of Minorities. Sharing his anecdotal experience, he well encouraged the students to excel in the academics and apply for Free Ship Card and Scholarship timely.
Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma expressed gratitude towards Sh. Ashok Kumar for sharing his valuable time. He addressed the students and communicated them to apply for the scholarship meticulously. He encouraged the students to take the maximum out of such beneficiary schemes. Also he applauded the efforts of the PMS Committee Members for conducting well organised Awareness Drive. Prof. Gurdeep Singh further clarified the doubts of the students and conveyed them to seek the aid of teachers whenever in need.

The Post Matric Scholarship Committee, DAV College, Bathinda organised an Awareness Drive.
On October 17, 2023 The Post Matric Scholarship Committee (PMSC), DAV College, Bathinda scheduled an Awareness Drive for SC students who are eligible for Post Matric Scholarship. Prof. Gurdeep Singh Nodal Officer(PMSC), delivered an elaborated lecture on the significance of the Post Matric Scholarship scheme. He made students aware about the required documents and the complete procedure of application.All the other members of the committee Prof. Ramadeep Kohli, Prof. Samaveer Kaur, Prof. Asha Goyal, Prof. Lakhveer Singh and Mrs. Bandana encouraged the students to arrange for the documents timely. More than 300 students raised their queries and were benefited through this Awareness Drive.The Principal of the College, Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma shared high words of praise for the commitment and dedication of Post Matric Scholarship Committee and addressed the students to be watchful of all such schemes.

DAV College Bathinda Organizes Interactive Session on Post Matric Scholarship
(1 Sept, 2023)
The Post matric Scholarship Committee of DAV College Bathinda organized an induction programme for the students of minority community of the college. More than 100 students participated in this programme.
Prof. Gurdeep Singh, Nodal Officer, delivered a detailed lecture on post matric scholarship scheme. He introduced the students to the benefits of this scheme, eligibility conditions, documents required and the procedure to apply for this scheme.
All the rules and regulations regarding this scheme were discussed by Ms. Bandana (Accounts Office) and a flex, displaying the detailed instructions was also put up for the convenience of the students.
Mr. Ashish Jindal, Branch Manager, Punjab National Bank, gave information and made the students aware about the opening of savings account. Also present on the occasion were Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover and Prof. Shamsher Khan.
Addressing the students, Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar said that the college always considers it a moral responsibility to empower the academic and career goals of the bright aspirants by removing the financial barriers and offering various scholarships and concessions. Post Matric Scholarship Scheme, he stated, is a step towards providing financial assistance to meritorious students from minority communities. The college thus keeps on organizing interactive sessions with the students, informing them about various scholarship schemes and concessions

- “Shiv Chand Gupta Scholarships to D.A.V. College Students by Dr. R. K. Gupta”

- Guru Ravidass Educational Assistance Trust (GREAT). Financial assistance is limited up to 10 Students.
- Nishkam Welfare Society: Financial Assistance is provided on the basis of a written test which is conducted by the Society itself every year. Maximum limit Rs. 30,000/- per annum to student.
- Shiv Chand Gupta Scholarship: This Scholarship is available to 50 needy students on the recommendation of the Principal and personal interview of the student by an NRI.