Minor & Major Projects |
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- Punjab Biodiversity Board (PBB) & National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), Govt. of India sponsored “International Biodiversity Day (IBD-2023) Celebration”, on 19th May, 2023, awarded an amount of Rs.20,000/- to Dr. Ranjeet Singh, Department of Botany.
- Indian Council of Social Science Research (Ministry of Education) Sponsored National Seminar on“Challenges Facing Punjabi Language: Problems and Solutions”, on 29th April 2023, awarded an amount of Rs.75,000/- to Dr. Satinder Kaur, Department of Punjabi.
- (MoEF & CC) Sponsored “Environment Education Program (2023)”, on 31st March, 2023 awarded an amount of Rs.8,000/- to Dr. Ranjeet Singh, Department of Botany.
- PSCST Sponsored “National Science Day Celebration (2023)“, on 4th March, 2023 awarded an amount of Rs.10,000/-to Dr. Ranjeet Singh, Department of Botany.
- PSCST Sponsored “National Mathematics Day -2023”, awarded an amount of Rs.15,000/- to Mr. Atul Singla, Department of Mathematics.
- ICSSR Sponsored “National Seminar on “Rural transformation in Punjab: Issues and Challenges” on 24th Sep 2022, awarded an amount of Rs. 75,000/- to Dr. Surinder Kumar Singla, Department of Economics.
- SERB-DST Sponsored National Conference on the topic “Computational Techniques And Mathematical Modelling” on 12th March, 2022, awarded an amount of Rs.75,000/- to Dr. Vandana Jindal, Department of Computer Science.
- SERB-DST Sponsored National Conference on the topic “Recent Advances in Science and Technology for Sustainable Development” on 5th March, 2022, awarded an amount of Rs.50,000/- to Dr. Gurpreet Singh Department of Physics.
- PSCST Sponsored Science Day Celeration on “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for Sustainable Future” awarded an amount of Rs.10,000/- to Mrs. Meetu S Wadhwa, Department of Chemistry on Feb 2022.
- DBT Star College Scheme Ministry of Science & Technology awarded an amount of Rs.3,61,808/- in FY 2021-22 to Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann, Department of Physics.
- PSCST Sponsored National Mathematics Day -2021 awarded an amount of Rs.15,000/- to Mr. Atul Singla, Department of Mathematics.
- Major Research Project entitled “Bhart te Canada Vasde Punjabian De Jan-samuh De sabhiachar wich vishvikaran sadka aa rahe Badlave da Tulnatmak Adhyan”awarded to Dr. SukhdeepKaur, Department Of Punjabi.
- Major Research Project entitled- “A Study of Walt Whitman’s Socio-Spiritual and Mystical Concerns and their relevance to the Biorhythm of Post-Modern Indian Society” awarded to Dr. J.S. Anand, Department of English.
- Research Project entitled “Female Domestic Workers in Punjab: A Socio-Economic Analysis”, awarded to Dr. Surinder Kumar Singla, Department of Economics.
- Research Project entitled “Brand Awareness Among Children: An Empirical Study in Punjab”, awarded to Dr. Kusum Gupta, Department of Commerce.
- Minor Research Project in Science, Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages. MRP of Dr. Beant Kaur, Department of Punjabi, Titled “Changing pattern of Punjabi Folk Songs in Emerging Punjabi Culture”.