” निज भाषा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल, बिन निज भाषा ज्ञान के, मिटत न हिय के सूल “
हिंदी विभाग
डी.ए.वी.कॉलेज ,बठिण्डा का हिंदी विभाग महाविद्यालय के स्थापना वर्ष सन् 1969 से ही क्रियान्वन है। हिंदी विषय में छात्रों की रूचि के कारण शिक्षार्थियों की गणना में वृद्धि होती रही है। शिक्षार्थियों का ज्ञानवर्द्धन करता , साहित्य के प्रति छात्रों की रूचि संवर्द्धन करता हिंदी विभाग नव्य कीर्तिमानों का संस्पर्शन करता रहा है। ‘पल्लवन हिंदी साहित्यिक संघ’ के रूप में हिंदी विषय की समिति छात्रों की मौलिक व सृजनात्मकता को उभारने में महती भूमिका का निर्वहन करेगी। हिंदी विभाग से सेवानिवृत्त श्री योगराज व डॉ.सुमीता बाघला द्वारा पल्लवित व पुष्पित यह विभाग वर्तमान समय में सहायक प्राध्यापक मोनिका घुल्ला के नेतृत्व में उन्नति कर रहा है।
लक्ष्य व उदेदश्य :—
1. छात्रों को राष्ट्रीय भाषा व हिंदी साहित्य के प्रति रूचि बढ़ाना ।
2. वैश्वीकरण के युग में हिंदी भाषा में हो रहे तकनीकी विकास की जानकारी छात्रों को देना व उनके प्रयोग पर बल देना ।
3. मौलिक व सृजनात्मक कौशलों का विकास।
Those who Served the Department
Sr. No. | Faculty |
Period | |
From | To | ||
1 | Prof, Yog Raj | 03.12.1980 | 31.05.2006 |
2 | Dr. Sumita Baghla | 01.08.1989 | 31.12.2012 |
Faculty of the Department
Sr. No. | Faculty |
Period | |
From | To | ||
1 | Dr. Monika Ghulla | 01.08.2017 | Till Date |
Student Enrichment Programmes :-
DAV College Bathinda Organises Sanskritik Mela – 2025. (15.02.2025)
On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, the Departments of Hindi and Youth Welfare of DAV College Bathinda under the aegis of “Ek Bharat Sheersht Bharat”organized the Sanskritik Mela – 2025. The Chief Guest on the occasion was Sh. Padamjeet Singh Mehta (Mayor, Municipal Corporation Bathinda). Other distinguished guests who graced the occasion with their presence were Dr. K.K. Nohria (Senior Member Local Advisory Committee), Madam Vimal Garg (Member Local Advisory Committee) and Sh. R.K. Gupta. The judgment panel of the Sanskritik Mela included Dr. Pooja Arora (Adesh Medical University, Bathinda), Dr. Anuradha Bhatia (Principal DAV School Bathinda) and Prof. Rajender Kumar Sen (Head, Department of Hindi, CUP Bathinda). The Chief Guest and the distinguished guests were welcomed by the Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Staff Secretary Prof. Kuldeep Singh, Coordinator Youth Welfare Department Dr. Paramjeet Kaur and HoD Hindi Dr. Monika Ghulla.
The rich cultural heritage of various states was exhibited in this cultural fair. As many as 110 participants of 17 teams participated in this event. The different departments of the college represented the diverse culture and various states like Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, The Festival of Pongal, Ashtyam Seva Sadhna, Uttrakhand, Pushkar Ka Mela, Kumbh Mela, West Bengal, Bihar, Kashmir, Maharashtra, Mathura, Varindavan, the Gaddar Movement and Folk Orchestra & Dance. Along With it some special stalls like nail art and portrait making by Saviya Aggarwal were set. NSS unit, Student Welfare Department and Department of English also arranged for some entertaining gaming stalls.
The Chief Guest Prof. Padamjeet Singh Mehta expressed immense happiness on witnessing in the program and seeing the grand cultural bonanza put up by the students. He said that the Sanskritik Mela organised by DAV College is a microcosm of India’s cultural diversity and is representative of the youth’s impressionistic artwork, abundant enthusiasm and active participation. He further reiterated the thought that such programmes should be organized periodically as it enhances the cultural knowledge of the students and reveals the immortal heritage of India.
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma expressed his innate happiness after witnessing the organization of this grand Sanskritik Mela-2025 and the exhibition put up by the students. He thanked the Chief Guest Sh.Padamjeet Singh Mehta and other guests for attending the event and encouraging the students. He said that in this cultural fair, India’s diversity has been woven into the formula of unity and housed under one roof. He also stated that through this exhibition of various cultures, the students will get knowledge of multi-culturalism and have definitely gained knowledge about food, clothing, various items of jewellery, arts and sports of various states of our country. He applauded the Hindi Department and Youth Welfare Department for this grand event and congratulated all the participating and winning teams. He congratulated NSS Unit, Student Welfare Department and Department of English for organising fun filled games.At last he congratulated all the winning teams .
The Jury was delighted to see the magnificent exhibitions of various cultures put up in this cultural fair and appreciated the college for organizing this event.
The first position in the cultural Fair was bagged by the Rajasthani Culture (byDepartment of Computer Science), second in league was the Kashmiri Culture (by Department of English),the display of Folk Instrumental and Dance (by Department of Music)won the third prize. The consolation prize was received by the stall exhibiting Uttrakhand (by Department of Botany and Zoology).
DAV College Bathinda organised a Grand Comic Poet Court 2025. (18.01.2025)
Department of Hindi, DAV College Bathinda organised a grand comic poet court 2025.The eminent poets of the court were Sh. Satish Vidrohi, Sh. Varindra Jatwani, Sh. Sandeep Bishnoi and Sh. Barjinder Thakur.
Dr. K.K. Nohria (Senior Member, Local Advisory Committee), Dr. Jyotsna (Principal, Govt. Rajindra College, Bathinda), Dr. Anuradha Bhatia (Principal, DAV Sen. Sec. School, Bathinda) were the chief guests of the event. Professor and Coach Sh. Madal Lal and Prof. Varesh Gupta also graced the occasion. All the poets and guests were felicitated by the Principal of the college Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Staff Secretary Prof. Kuldeep Singh and Head, Department of Hindi Dr. Monika Ghulla. The teaching and non teaching faculty of the college enjoyed the rhythmic, comic and satirical poems.
Dr. Monika Ghulla extended a warm welcome to the poets, guests and the family members of the staff. She introduced the poets and coordinated from the stage.
One by one all the poets graced the stage with their performances, carrying forward with their light verses and made the hall resounded with the laughter and applause by the audience. The poets deliberated on the topics as diverse as society, politics, marital relationships, love and religion. The melody, rhythm and music of the court were applauded by one and all. The poets also recited poems which were full of sarcasm using the Bollywood melodies.
The Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma thanked all the eminent poets, guests and the family members of the faculty. He praised the efforts of Dr. Monika Ghulla for organising such a mega show. He emphasized on the importance of organising such events and mentioned how such light moments help in achieving sound mental health and peace. He was expecting more similar events in the near future. Everyone present praised the well managed show.
डी.ए.वी. काॅलेज, बठिण्डा में हिंदी दिवस का आयोजन। (14/9/2024)
डॉ. मोनिका घुल्ला को ’हिंदी सेवी’ सम्मान से नवाज़ा गया।(13/9/2024)
DAV College Bathinda Celebrates Hindi Diwas.
Department of Hindi, in collaboration with the Arya Smaj Committee organizes, Poetry Recitation Competition to celebrate Hindi Diwas. The students of Hindi literature participated zealously and recited poems to commemorate the dignity of our national language. Dr. Manpreet Kaur from the Department of Hindi elaborated on the constitutional placement of Hindi as an official language. She informed the students about the relevance of Hindi language not only at National, but also at International level.
The Principal, Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma appreciated the efforts made by the teachers and the students to observe this day gracefully. He applauded the participants and encouraged them for participation in the forthcoming events. The stage was managed by Dr. Manpreet Kaur.
Harsh, from BA II was declared first, Dheeraj from BA I secured second position and Anchal from BA I achieved the third rank. The judges of the event Dr.Vandhana Jindal and Dr.Neetu Purohit announced Consolation prizes to Yash and Anmol Garg. Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg and Registrar, Dr. Satish Grover graced the occasion with their presence. Dr. Sandeep Bhatia, Prof. Ravinder Singh, Dr. Prabhjot Kaur and Dr. Satinder Kaur were present in the function.
DAV College Bathinda Organises Multilingual Translation Workshop.
The Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee of DAV College Bathinda hosted a workshop on “Multilingual Translation” on 10.12.2022 on the occasion of “Bhartiya Bhasha Diwas”. Dr. Brahmaved Sharma (Retd. Prof. & Head, Department of Hindi, DAV College Malout) was the resource person on the occasion. The distinguished guest was extended a floral welcome by Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vie Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Department of Hindi Dr. Monika Ghulla and the Arya Samaj Committee members. Dr. Monica Ghulla read the bio-note of Dr. Brahmaved Sharma.
Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma stated that Subramania Bharati Jayanti is observed as Bharatiya Bhasha Diwas and extended best wishes to the audience on the occasion. He further stated that India is a land of diverse cultures, many languages are spoken here, and 22 languages have been included in the eighth schedule of the Indian Constitution.
- The Department of Hindi in collaboration with the Arya Samaj Committee celebrated Swami Virjanand’s Jayanti by organizing a poem recitation competition. 15 students of B.A, B.Com, BBA, PGDCA participated enthusiastically in the event. They recited beautiful and motivational poems on varied themes, like that of pathos, patriotism, and social issues.
- To seek the blessings of the Almighty, DAV College Bathinda solemnised a Hawan Yajna on August 23, 2022 to mark the commencement of the academic session. The Hawan-Yajna was sanctified with the recitation of gayatri and vedic mantras. The arrangements for the yajna were made by the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Committee and was attended by the faculty members and the students of the college.
- The Departments of Hindi and Punjabi of DAV College Bathinda under the banner of “Ek Bharata Shreshtha Bharata” organized a Sanskritik Mela 2022 (Cultural Fair) on May 14, 2022. The rich cultural heritage of various states was exhibited in the fair.
- The Department of Hindi , DAV College Bathinda organized a one day webinar on “Vimarshon Ki Paridhi Mein Hindi Sahitya Ka Vikas” via Google Meet on 26.02.2022. The resource person on the occasion was Dr. Hardeep Singh, Head, Department of Hindi, Central University of Sikkim. The webinar witnessed the participation of 90 participants from various states.
- On the occasion of Mahatma Hansraj’s death anniversary, the Department of Hindi and Arya Samaj Unit of DAV College Bathinda organised a Hawan Yajna on November 17, 2021.
- Extension Lecture topic on “Hindi, Sahitya or Jiwan” on ” Hindi Diwas”was delivered by Dr. Ravi Datt Koshik, Retire Prof. Deptartment of Hindi,Punjabi University Patiala on 11 Sept., 2021
- Extension Lecture topic on “Hindi Bhasha or Sahitya ” on ” Hindi Diwas”was delivered by Dr. Haprdeep Singh, Retire Prof. Deptartment of Hindi, SCD Govt. College, Ludhiana on 14 Sept., 2020.
- Hindi Diwas was Celebrated by organized different activities like Nukkad Natak and Creative Items .
- The Department of Hindi and the Arya Samaj Unit of DAV College Bathinda paid a tribute to Mahatma Anand Swami on his death anniversary by reciting mantras and poems.

- Extension Lecture on “sahityakar v paterkarita k smaj ko den “was delivered by Dr. Ajay Sharma, hindi writer and editor, danik savera magzine on 21st Feb., 2019
- Extension Lecture on “vishav hindi diwas”was delivered by Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Principal , DAV college,Bathinda on 10 Jan., 2018.
- Extension Lecture topic on “vyavhar mein hindi ke vilakshanta” on ” Hindi Diwas”was delivered by Dr. Kiran Grover, H.O.D , P.G deptartment of hindi, DAV college,Abohar on 14 Sept., 2017.

- Extension Lecture on ” Hindi Diwas”was delivered by Dr. Ravi Dutt Koshish, Punjabi University ,Patiala on 14 Sept., 2016.
- Extension Lecture topic on “aadunik hindi sahitya ka samajik peripekshya ” on ” Hindi Diwas”was delivered by Dr. Rajinder Kumar Sain, Asst. Professor , Centre University of Punjab,Bathinda on 17 Mar., 2016.