Course Duration : 2 years(4 Semesters)
Student should have passed B.A./B.Sc.(with Maths) with minimum 50% marks from Pbi. Uni. or any other Uni. recognized by UGC.
Number of Seats: 2 Unit
Career Opportunities:
This course is very important for all competitives exams.Students can get jobs in Banks, Teaching & they can build their career in competitive exams like IAS, IFS, PCS etc.
Programme Outcomes:
M.Sc. Mathematics offers theoretical as well as practical knowledge about different areas of Mathematics. After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able
PO 1: To explain the core ideas and the techniques of mathematics and acquire good Knowledge and understanding in advanced areas of Pure mathematics, Applied Mathematics and statistics, chosen by the student from the given courses.
PO 2: To recognize the power of abstraction and generalization, and carry out investigative mathematical work with independent judgment.
PO 3: To read, analyze, and write logical arguments to prove mathematical concepts.
PO 4: To understand, formulate and use quantitative models arising in Social science, business and other contexts.
PO 5: To perform research in conjunction with others as well as individually.
PO 6: After higher studies students can join as scientist and can even look for Professional job-oriented courses.
PO7: To Communicate mathematical ideas with clarity and coherence, both written and verbally.
PO 8: Apart from the research jobs, students can also work or get jobs in Marketing,Business & Other technical fields. They also recruited in the bank sectors to work as customer service executives. Students can also find employment in Government sectors and have the option to join Indian Civil Services as IAS, IFS etc.
PO 9: The student will be able to recognize the importance of compliance with the Ethics of science and being a responsible citizen towards their community and a Sustainable Environment.